Sweet Seeds Anthro's Black Cream Grow Recap: Seeds To Jars (1x Green Pheno, 1x Black)


Canna Jedi in training.
Aug 8, 2014
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Hello Friends! Been awhile since my Red Poison grow recap, and here now we have a Black Cream recap. This one will be fun to breeze through, as you'll get to see a green pheno and a black pheno side by side! Woohoo! :)

Hardware is pretty much the same, 2x4x5 Lighthouse Hydro tent, 2x "450w" generic led panels (about 260~285 alleged real watts each), duct boosted and filtered intake, 6" Ventech fan + filter combo exhaust, my own organic soil mixes and organic amendments, General Organics supplemental nutrition plus Humboldt Equilibrium (this is the strongest % organic all natural CalMag I've found yet, the General Organics CaMg+ just isn't up to the task anymore even at 125% dose), collected rainwater not ph'ed, and now a great working drip system for regular waterings (no nute in res, just rain, nute is mixed and fed separately).

Important to note is that these two grew next to a photoperiod, and about 1/2 way through flowering, the tent was switched to 12/12 lighting. No adverse effects were noticed, they liked it just fine. Of course I'd probably have squeezed a few more grams out of a full 18 or 19 hours run, but I didn't care, they did grrrreat!

That covers the basics, so on with the show eh? :) Per usual, the Sweet Seeds babies sprung into life and got busy growing, off to a great start!

Soon transplanted into the final homes, 3gal Viagrow brand smart pots, with the drip system for main waterings.
(they hadn't yet gotten my usual fancy labels haha!)

Ah here's the purdy labels! Also, this is when the fight against the yellow began... No matter what or how much I fed them, they stayed half yellow until flowering. PH was near perfect too. It just happens sometimes.


Aside from being too yellow, they were always very robust and healthy! :)

Finally a little more green lol. Still pretty much equal plants at this point. Plant # BC1 is in the left/foreground and becomes the GREEN pheno, Plant # BC2 is on the right/background and becomes the normal black pheno.

Pistils begin launching! Still very healthy and robust as usual for Sweets excellent genetics.

At this point I went away for 6 days and returned to an explosion hahaaa! Neither had colored up any at this point, but BC1 was a bit shorter than BC2.

Shortly after, the BC2 began coloring up and I knew it would be a beauty, standard black pheno. This is how they all seem to start coloring, at first right along the inner edges of the upper cola sugar leaves.


Annnnd the flower power beginssss, bwahahaa!
BC1 Cola, starting to sparkle in massive amounts per usual Sweet Seeds gear ;)

BC2 Cola forming up some more color!

BC2 side bub showing increasing color!

I've got these "Red" relatives just about nailed down in terms of timelines now, and exactly right on schedule, as flowering kicks into it's overdrive, the lower leaves begin losing color as the plant redirects nutrition to the beloved flowers.

Then, about this time, I decided BC1 wasn't ever going to color up hahaa so must be a green pheno. This is fine with me since it provides a very unique opportunity to see the phenos side by side, and also the rumor is that the green phenos from Sweets' Reds relatives are much more potent.

The black pheno girl picks up more colors.

The black one, BC2, did this really darn cool 5-headed Medusa head thing up at the top cola lol!
Super zoomed Medusa head, with trichomus maximus lol!

BC1 super frost!

BC2 blingin like a 50-Cent concert haha!

Together, sisters for life lol! Notice height difference, the black pheno developed a structure like Red Poison: a wide base, long middle stretch, and longer, whispy style buds. The green pheno built a structure more like other green canna: medium base, medium middle stretch, with tighter nugget style buds.

BC1 green side bud.

BC2 side bud.

Finishing up nicely, notice they're about halfway through the leaves, right on schedule! You can know when these type of Sweets are about done when it uses up to the last set or two of Fan leaves. It should be ready about then. ;)

Also worth noting, as can be seen in this photo above, the black pheno developed the common red/purp "tiger stripes" up the stalk, while the green did not hardly at all. (Side note: in the Red Poisons, as the plant goes through flower, the stripes get thicker until the whole stalk and stems are red hehe! It's so great to watch!)
BC2 using up leaves, almost done!

Alas, chop time came! BC2 got the first axe while the green girl needed a couple more days. Here she is before trimming.

Bud city, bud bud city! BC2 black pheno after trim, about to be hung.

The smells and everything while trimming it up were really strong, mostly of basil, a little candy mint, and a dash of light citrus. The trichomes are plentiful on this one, as with every Sweet Seeds. So, all the leaves and sugar trim got saved to my leaf bag for future oil making.

Few days later, BC1 green pheno gets the axe! Here she is pre trim. With this one I did a test to see if it was any easier to trim up at harvest when it's been water starved for awhile. It is NOT, in fact much more time consuming because the leaves get rubbery and curl around the buds. You want them hydrated properly so the leaves are crisp and stick straight out for easy trims.

BC1 green girl post trim. Mmmmm she might not be colorful but she sure is pretty!

The BC1 gave me one of my best canna photos yet!


That's it for their living days, both performed excellently, no real problems, took nutrition just fine, Sweet Seeds love their CalMag so don't skimp on that, didn't mind 12/12, and made some very beautiful and clean medicine! They weren't heavy in the weight department, but organics is usually lighter than hydro, plus they got 12/12. Besides, it's just for me so I'm just happy with whatever weight they make hehe.

They dried okay and went into jars just a few days ago, been burping and it's starting to settle down just over 60% RH. Both were a real pleasure to grow, yielded just fine I thought, and looked great doing it. As usual with Sweets gear, I'm a satisfied customer and their genetics continue to prove excellent. I'll keep growing Sweet Seeds!

I've got some good nug pics, jarring pics, and microscope pics to put in another post. I've flooded this post with too many pics as it is hah!

Thanks and big reps n loves to Sweet Seeds!
(reserved for nug pics, microscope pics, jar pics, and taste test ;))

Upd: Here's the microscope pics, a little blurry, because it's somehow even if things look perfect to the eyes down the scope, it's darn near impossible to get a good shot with a camera down the scope lol. I have a USB camera but it's a nightmare lol, the big laboratory microscope is only slightly better.

Sweet Seed Black Cream #1 green pheno:


Sweet Seed Black Cream #2 black pheno:
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Nice results!
I freaked out Friday because on two of my plants all the fan leaves turned yellow. I had been concentrating on feeding so much the last two months I completely forgot that was what they were supposed to do at this point.
Did the drip ring run 24/7 or just when you filled up the reservoir?
Cracking little diary here mate ;)
I'm glad to know your opinion about our strains and for watching your results, you did a great work!
Thanks for sharing, Sweet smokes!!
Lovely Anthro!! I got 2 reds and a green in my three pack! They were each as delicious as the last! :D

It's my favourite autoflower so far! :)
I am Late to the party here man, but i enjoyed seeing your timeline of photos.

I had a granddaddy purple auto not sprout so it left a spot of real estate in the tent and i dropped a black cream in its place... so that baby is poked her head out of the soil in just the last few days. Lovely Lovely man!!!

and in all the long time i have been reading and thinking i always wondered why nobody ever called a strain of the cannabis, by the name Medusa! your the man! at least you described the kola the way i see em well great job! i like your photo heavy report.

thinking of those hairs made me wonder how it would look to do a time lapse .hmmmm

nice black cream. got a 7 pack last month and a bunch of other sweet seed strains i kinda went purple centric.

happy new year 2017