Indoor Another Grow - Day 50


Cultivators Club
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Good Morning Good People/

Today the ladies are 50 days from sprout or 57 days from seed. It’s looking like the Dour Crack girls are ending soon and the triangle kush is fattening up. Last nutes were given 2 days ago which was GO Bloom only and will now be given just water the rest of the way. Pics are close up and whole plants. In this order: Sour Crack 1, Triangle Kush and Sour Crack 2 or stubby as we have named her.

Let me know your thoughts and harvest time.

Jackson @Eyes on Fire @Waira @namvet25 @stedimed @Mizzo81 @Groundcheck


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Good Morning Good People/

Today the ladies are 50 days from sprout or 57 days from seed. It’s looking like the Dour Crack girls are ending soon and the triangle kush is fattening up. Last nutes were given 2 days ago which was GO Bloom only and will now be given just water the rest of the way. Pics are close up and whole plants. In this order: Sour Crack 1, Triangle Kush and Sour Crack 2 or stubby as we have named her.

Let me know your thoughts and harvest time.

Jackson @Eyes on Fire @Waira @namvet25 @stedimed @Mizzo81 @Groundcheck
If your pistols are mostly dried up they should be ready to chop.You can also check the trychomes with a scope and if they are mostly milky ther ready.
just keep watching until they are deep milky and chop. or starting to be milky and then rinse for a week if need be and then chop. by then it'll be deeper or go a lil longer until its ready. maybe 1.5 to 2 weeks even,to tune your meds how you want them.
Good Morning Folks-

Today the girls are 56 days from sprout or 63 days from seed. Swelling appears to have stopped and pistols continue to brown up. No more nutes have been given just plain water.

The pics are 2 Sour Crack and triangle Kush with the bud next to coffee mug shot!

Me thinks to chop the Sour Crack this Sunday and let the Kush go another week.

It’s always a struggle for me to see trichomes so I’ll ask for your assistance.

Love your feedback and support as I always do. @Waira @namvet25 @stedimed @Eyes on Fire @budelee@epequin@blue@groundcheck



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They look pretty ripe and ready too me! Nice work :toke:
@Dainn thank you. I always struggle at this although I’ve been doing this for a few years. I’m gonna try to take close up and move to harvest section and will tag u