I was recently asked aboutmy methods for making cannabutter so I decided to share this with everyone.
for my butter I take one ounce of trim to one pound of butter with about half a cup of water per stick of butter up to two cups of water total. I make sure my trim is dried out and chopped up pretty fine then I bring the butter and water to a simmer and add the trim then stir well and let sit for a few minutes I stir it well every few minutes simering it over low heat for at least 30 minutes. after about 45 minutes of simmering (give or take) all the cannabinoids should be extracted into the butter. now you take the pot and strain it out using cheese cloth or some other strainer that will filter out all the plant matter. the plant matter will hold the butter like a sponge so its goot to press and squeeze the wet trim to try to get all the butter out. you want to strain it into something that is plastic and flexible so you can easily remove the top layer of butter once it seperates and solidifies. I like tupperware containers for this use. pour the strained butter /water mix into the container and let it sit in the freezer untill the butter is completely solid the mixture will sperate into three layers the bottom layer under the watter will be fine sediment (this is acctually the pysical stuctures of the trichomes, however they posses no potency at all after the butter extraction and can be thrown out) then there will be a layer of water, then soild cannabutter on top, this butter layer wil often have a slimy bottom layer of butter on it above the water that takes longer to solidify, try to make sure you get all of that with the butter. you can then cut the big block of butter into four equal pieces. each piece will be 4 ounces of cannabutter or 1 stick. once you have the buter you can store it and use it whenever you like, like normall butter. any recipie that calls for butter can be used with the cannabutter, you wil notice a light wed taste in the final product ut this will be very subtle and most who dont know weed wel wil not be able to identify it at all. its prety simple and once you have the buter you can use it to make anything you would normaly use regualar butter to make. the key to making sure you dont cook the canabinoids out though is never cook above 350 degrees with cannabutter always 350 or lower, if the recipie calls for 375 degrees you can run 350 and watch it til the baked goods are done it wil take a litle longer but they should come out just fine. Anyway thats how I do my canabutter. it wil be more potent if you use fresh trim however I like to bubble my trim first and use the butter extraction last so I can have hash too from the same trim, if you do this though make sure to fuly dry the trim again after you bubble it before the butter. canabinoids in edibles are processed by your body slightly diferently than when you smoke it as the compounds pas through your liver and are converted into a different chemical form that makes the effects ast longer and can slightly change the feel of the high. as well as taking about 30 minutes to fully enter your system through your digestive tract.
for my butter I take one ounce of trim to one pound of butter with about half a cup of water per stick of butter up to two cups of water total. I make sure my trim is dried out and chopped up pretty fine then I bring the butter and water to a simmer and add the trim then stir well and let sit for a few minutes I stir it well every few minutes simering it over low heat for at least 30 minutes. after about 45 minutes of simmering (give or take) all the cannabinoids should be extracted into the butter. now you take the pot and strain it out using cheese cloth or some other strainer that will filter out all the plant matter. the plant matter will hold the butter like a sponge so its goot to press and squeeze the wet trim to try to get all the butter out. you want to strain it into something that is plastic and flexible so you can easily remove the top layer of butter once it seperates and solidifies. I like tupperware containers for this use. pour the strained butter /water mix into the container and let it sit in the freezer untill the butter is completely solid the mixture will sperate into three layers the bottom layer under the watter will be fine sediment (this is acctually the pysical stuctures of the trichomes, however they posses no potency at all after the butter extraction and can be thrown out) then there will be a layer of water, then soild cannabutter on top, this butter layer wil often have a slimy bottom layer of butter on it above the water that takes longer to solidify, try to make sure you get all of that with the butter. you can then cut the big block of butter into four equal pieces. each piece will be 4 ounces of cannabutter or 1 stick. once you have the buter you can store it and use it whenever you like, like normall butter. any recipie that calls for butter can be used with the cannabutter, you wil notice a light wed taste in the final product ut this will be very subtle and most who dont know weed wel wil not be able to identify it at all. its prety simple and once you have the buter you can use it to make anything you would normaly use regualar butter to make. the key to making sure you dont cook the canabinoids out though is never cook above 350 degrees with cannabutter always 350 or lower, if the recipie calls for 375 degrees you can run 350 and watch it til the baked goods are done it wil take a litle longer but they should come out just fine. Anyway thats how I do my canabutter. it wil be more potent if you use fresh trim however I like to bubble my trim first and use the butter extraction last so I can have hash too from the same trim, if you do this though make sure to fuly dry the trim again after you bubble it before the butter. canabinoids in edibles are processed by your body slightly diferently than when you smoke it as the compounds pas through your liver and are converted into a different chemical form that makes the effects ast longer and can slightly change the feel of the high. as well as taking about 30 minutes to fully enter your system through your digestive tract.