New Grower Amount of Odor from One Plant? (Auto Seeds DreamBerry)



Hey folks -

Fairly new guy here, and total newb to growing altogether. I've been gathering all the necessary bits & pieces for my first grow (230W CFL cabinet setup) and the one issue I can't get a good feel for is the level of odor that I should expect.

I'll be growing dreamberry: I'm only gonna be going with one plant to begin with, just to make sure I have my methods down.

What I'm wondering is, what level of smell am I likely to run into? I'm gonna have to grow in our bedroom, which the wifey isn't too keen on if there's going to be a strong smell of dank in the room. Specifically, she's worried about her clothes smelling like bud, and the room having an overall smell that might tip off any friends we have over. (our room is pretty large and we watch movies & such with friends in there sometimes)

I know the ideal answer would be to get or make a carbon filter, but right now it's just not feasible.

Any advice is super appreciated! :smoking:
Expect odor at early to mid flower, so around 35-40 days from sprout, from then on it will get stronger, and any time you move the plant around to water, it will smell more, if you want stealth, you need that filter, don't pop the seed until you can obtain one. My first grow was Afghan kush Ryder, supposed to be a low odor strain, I use a phresh filter in the cab, but when I took the plant out to trim some lower growth, the whole apartment smelled of strong dank within 5 minutes, and at harvest it will be much stronger than that
Ona is a good product for eliminating odours, if you do use it, don't put it anywhere near your plants or your buds will taste of the stuff, but I agree with Gator, you really do need a carbon filter, had my blue cheese out the tent for a few mins yesterday to check trichs and my flat was stinking. The filter is the best investment for peace of mind, it's not worth the risk getting caught for smells leaking all over the place.

Yep. Been looking into that for awhile as well. I've seen a handful of designs, but not much in the way of whether they're effective or not. I'll have to do a little more reading, perhaps make a thread where those who have made & used various designs can chime in with performance reports. Thanks for the link - it's one I haven't seen yet. :d5:
I take my plants out to water them in my garage and one plant passing through my house on the way out makes my whole house smell for a little while certain strains tho don't have a strong smell I'm not familiar with the one u are growing though
I take my plants out to water them in my garage and one plant passing through my house on the way out makes my whole house smell for a little while certain strains tho don't have a strong smell I'm not familiar with the one u are growing though

Good to know. The general consensus is "yeah, they're gonna stink" no matter what, lol. I'll just have to take precautions and make a filter. When you take yours out to water them, about how long do you have them out, and how long does the smell linger? I'm assuming it's probably not *too* long, and could likely be countered to some degree with a bit of incense or similar odor-eliminator spray?
I only take them through my house to my garage so minimal time but the smell doesn't linger to long and u could easily use a odor blocker of some sort or just water them in your grow area I just don't like to deal with the run off water