New Grower amnesia haze auto

Aug 16, 2013
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have had few grows under my belt over the years here and there.

however i would still consider myself a noob for sure.

my last harvest was in a tent in garage 2 berry ryder 1 blue diesal autos. 1 got eaten by big ass catepillar and other 2 stunted 1 i got like 20g dry still in jar. and the blue diesal was legit ft tall got like 8g cola off it. i just ppanted 2 germed amnesia haze autos in 5gal fabric pots of 20% perlite 80% FFoF and they are under 2 vivosun leds 1 1000watt and 1 650watt both veg n bloom turned to last marker so on high since got 3 more berry ryders in flower behind them all 3 stunted i feel ill take pics shortly.

anyhow after that mouthful i also have made banana peel fertilizer for the 3 berry ryders in the back and if goes well was going to use for the amnesia autos

i also have FFoF trio for backup

also i am hoping to seed these 2 with colloidal silver spray before i clean tent out and start 5 bruce banner autos about chirstmas time. these amnesias should be done mid december maybe end of with seeding id assume idk though

these 2 were freebies and no breeder mentioned.


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the middle berry ryder in back has alot of yellow leaves some wilting off on bottom past 2 days. not entriely sure why. im guessing stress from temp differences. moved indoors 5 days ago from 90 degree weather to a stable 75 indoors

i have fed them the banna fertilizer not ph regulated twice b4 i got ph balancing stuff. ph tested 4.5


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both amenisia have popped today granted the one of right is still comin outta soil lol

the middle ryder bottoms leaves continue to die.


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Hey! Welcom...... wait a minute ^_^ [Join Date 2013] ....

Welcome back? Or long term lurker?

both amenisia have popped today granted the one of right is still comin outta soil lol

the middle ryder bottoms leaves continue to die.

Good luck for the little ones!!
Gratz on the germs!! ^_^


Hey! Welcom...... wait a minute ^_^ [Join Date 2013] ....

Welcome back? Or long term lurker?

Good luck for the little ones!!
Gratz on the germs!! ^_^


lol i started a grow back in 2013 then various life events caused me to not continue till this year lol.

first grow since then. alot better equipment now also. hoping to have a good harvest b4 christmas
Sweet! Good luck with the grow - you'll need to pick a quick one and get your roller skates on if you want it dried and a bit cured before xmas!

Very doable!! :D

well the 2 amnesias popped hard today and once those 3 ryders are done which im hoping is done aorund october 16th i can plant 3 bruce banners lol although ive been eyeballing mephiso genetics hardcore lol their dbl grape and sour stomper have my eye bad but dont think id get them b4 harvest of berry ryders and wouldnt be able to afford them either until this friday or next

not looking like ill get a 3rd harvest and cure b4 christmas with these but the 3 ryders look amazing when i got home today

did some defoliating and they just look fat and rdy to burst lol


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just got a 10 pack of a cross of my favorite personally tasted strain blueberry muffin

got pineapple muffin humbolt seeds genetics from multltiverse

plan to start 1 bruce banner once get some biobizz in week will follow both amenisia and bruce here.

after those complete i will be doing 2 bruce and 2 pineapllr muffin and will likely try to get pollen from 1 of each in a seperate tent. try to make a bruce banner pi eapple muffin cross next year lol
2 amnesias doing good on 5th day

lowered 600watt led down to those 2 and moved 3 ryders under the 1000watt led

havent watered since they popped. soil seems good for now.


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