Live Stoners All round Autopot

Jun 19, 2018
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Hi everyone I am very new to this and was looking for some advice.
I am hoping to run a small grow cabinet and was wondering if there is an all-round nutrient that I can use for auto flowers that is ok for vegetation and flowering stage. That way I can start new plants with older plants and it doesn't matter what stage they are at. I am growing in a cabinet using Auto Pots with one Reservoir. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi everyone I am very new to this and was looking for some advice.
I am hoping to run a small grow cabinet and was wondering if there is an all-round nutrient that I can use for auto flowers that is ok for vegetation and flowering stage. That way I can start new plants with older plants and it doesn't matter what stage they are at. I am growing in a cabinet using Auto Pots with one Reservoir. Any help would be greatly appreciated
hey luchio the problem with what you want to do is young plant will feed less than mature ones so trying to feed both mature and young plants with liquid nutes will end up affecting one badly so i recommend just doing all plants at the same time but if you really want to run plants at different stages have a look at biotabs there a organic nutes range you mix into the coco/soil and only use straight water in the res
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Hi Stoney
I have two sets of Autopots with two pots in each. So I may run 2 plants in each set at different times but both at the same stage as they water independently. I have four pots in total which are in 2 groups of 2.
I hope that makes sense what do you reckon
Hi Stoney
I have two sets of Autopots with two pots in each. So I may run 2 plants in each set at different times but both at the same stage as they water independently. I have four pots in total which are in 2 groups of 2.
I hope that makes sense what do you reckon
if you have two tanks then its no problem at all to use a liquid fert such as canna /advanced/remo nutes/ dutch pro etc. but biotabs could still be a good option they sell a starter kit enough to do 4-5 pots so you get a taste of how it works before you spend more money there pretty easy to use just follow the instructions and add water no worrying about E.C or PH values the biotabs range takes care of all that all you do is add water to the res