Grow Mediums Alien Hydroponics RDWC System


Aug 21, 2020
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I've been looking to get a turnkey RDWC system because I'm lazy and don't want to build one. So far the Alien system seems to be the best out there as far as I can tell. Has anyone used the system? Also, if anyone has any other recommendations I'm all ears.
I've been looking to get a turnkey RDWC system because I'm lazy and don't want to build one. So far the Alien system seems to be the best out there as far as I can tell. Has anyone used the system? Also, if anyone has any other recommendations I'm all ears.

That's a very nice system, but it is expensive $645 on amazon.
A couple years ago I bought a much cheaper 6 bucket recirculating system, but when I saw all the pipes, hoses, and fittings I had buyers remorse and never set it up.

I now am a believer in gravity-fed DWC, and I make my own versions.
If I were in the market for a system I'd consider this one, but maybe replace the external storage reservoir with a bigger one.
Amazon product

Much less to go wrong.
For a true commercial system Under Current by Current Culture is high quality that I have seen in person but it ain't cheap.
General Hydroponics WaterFarm or PowerGrower might be worth considering. The hybrid drip/RDWC is pretty cool. I used a PowerGrower on my first grow in 20 years and it worked like a champ.
@OttoCBD That PowerGrower looks like a good idea? How does the pump column work? and how do you drain to change the reservoir?

I just looked at some videos on YouTube and as I suspected I see some crown rot from a constant top water. This is not a problem if you run HydroGuard. I think this should be in the running. It makes it easy to have different age plants and different nutrients for fussy plants.
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@OttoCBD That PowerGrower looks like a good idea? How does the pump column work? and how do you drain to change the reservoir?

I just looked at some videos on YouTube and as I suspected I see some crown rot from a constant top water. This is not a problem if you run HydroGuard. I think this should be in the running. It makes it easy to have different age plants and different nutrients for fussy plants.
There's a venturi effect that happens when an air pump connects to the top side of the drip ring. WaterFarms and PowerGrowers can be modified pretty easily. Do a search on WaterFarm modifications and you'll find most of them very easily. The PG has a slightly larger capacity than the WF yet it sits an inch or two lower. In order to drain the res, just disconnect the top side of the blue view/drain tube and rotate it sideways until it drains into your receptacle. They use a tinted blue tube to help prevent algae but it's a good idea to keep it covered with something else. I used a section of pool noodle to cover mine. I also made sure to keep the drip ring and the hydroton covered. Feel free to hit me up with any more questions and/or check out the journal I created using a PG.
Thanks for all the feedback mates.
Simplicio $645 isn't bad for somewhat full automation and ease of nutes.
Mañ'O'Green I have been looking at the Current Culture rig as it looks super stable and the ability to upgrade is easy if not costly. That's my only hesitation there.
OttoCBD I'm not sold on the GH systems because of the amount of air pressure it takes to a pressure a stone and a drip ring in a 8 gallon rig.

Good news is I did speak to an Alien rep and he told me they are opening a US distro in the spring. As of now all pumps are UK spec and won't work without a transformer or home modification in the US.