New Grower AK Auto - Day 7


Cultivators Club
Jan 6, 2013
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Good Morning All-

Here is my AK Auto at Day 7. She is already looking better than my last grow in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil.

Will transplant her next Saturday in her final containier.

Thoughts anyone?



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looks nice and healthy,so far so good.I was wondering (not saying it is wrong) why the transplant as opposed to just sowing it in it's final container. Nice plant.
Thanks for stopping by man. My last one was planted in fox farm and it screwed up bad. Look for my thread about two weeks ago. Switched to bloom nutes and in 24 hours looked like I hit it with a blow torch.

Just thought it would be ok since I switched to roots organic and gbd soil.

It should be just fine to transplant, i have learned that it does not hurt them at all. I did an open air transplant, complete with soil removal from the main root system. Plants never Stunted and produced well. Now im not saying that sowing to final pot is a bad idea, the less you mess with them the better but it can be done with care.

Now i will say this about FF soil, not really, from what i have seen, a good choice as the sole soil in the pot, use it at the bottom of the pot and then add a non ferted soil above it. Let the roots have 2 gals of a 3 gal pot before it hits the FF stuff. Now as far at the nutes dont be in a rush to use them, you will see what you saw every time. We all want big producing plants, and pushing the limits is ok, but with moderation. I dont switch to any type of bloom food until i have bud sets.

Plant looks great man and wish you well on the rest of the journey.
Thanks for dropping by FullDuplex-

I bought the super soil from Mephisto so my plans are to mix the bottom half of pot with half GBD soil with Roots Organic and and then the top half with plain Roots soil. I add only giving her distilled water and cal/mag for the entire grow. Thats what I have read and the folks here recommend it as well.

We shall see. Will post pics at 10 days old tomorrow.

Good Morning All-

Here is my Auto AK at 10 days old from sprouting in 16 oz solo cup. I feel she is doing great. Nice lime green leaves. This afternoon I
Sorry- i hit the wrong key. Just waking up and only my first cup of coffee. This afternoon I will transplant her in her final pot with GBD soil mix with Roots Organic soil and the top half with Roots Organic soil only. Not sure if I should add perlite or leave be. I think I should add perlite just enough to give her better aeration. She will be fed Cal/Mag and distilled water only.

Please provide your feedback and knowledge and hope you will join me on my journey as this will be only my 4th attempt. First time seed died, Second try developed mold. Third burnt to shit as soon as I added bloom nutes which was by the way General Organics.

So this will be my 4th attempt.

Please provide your knowledge and feedback and ride along for another journey.



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Good Morning All-

Here is the size pot I will be using at her final resting place.



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