Old Reviews Air pumps???

Sep 6, 2011
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Looking for recommendation on air pumps available in the US. Right now im using 3 walmart ones for DWC. They are not loud but i do want something that wouldnt be much louder. Whats is out there. Only using 1-2 buckets
if you find one, pls post it. i've been reading thru the reviews of aquarium pumps and all i've discerned is that different people have a wiiiiide range of what they think quiet is.

i'm an audio engineer, and to me, 'quiet' is not the same as 'i can hear my tv over it' or 'it just hums a little', it means q-u-i-e-t.
For sure i got 4 wal mart ones and o cant hear them at all. They just sit on the carpet. I just want one to get rid of having multiples. It def cant be louder than my fans and leds running

The pump above is powerfull and quite....very quite... With a balast running you cant tell if its plugged in or not..

Now I have four of these size range, and so does the loudness.... They are loud even the smallest one...so loud you can hear them thru your walls right outside your house...all of them.
If I do DWC again I would have the GH pump high quality...and those SS valves are real nice...

I agree with cres, those 2nd pumps are loud and can be heard outside. Maybe if you hung it with a bungi cord it would help? Might have to look into those GH pumps myself.
how and where could i acquire the v60 in the states. or even the v20. just need something for one bucket atm
I agree with cres, those 2nd pumps are loud and can be heard outside. Maybe if you hung it with a bungi cord it would help? Might have to look into those GH pumps myself.

I did hang it with a bungi made no difference...