Indoor after iv Harvest my Auto russian rocket fuel

Feb 3, 2011
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ok all i thought i would show some picture, of one of my cutting that i taking of when i was harvesting my RRF,as it was a very small bud i thought i see if i could re-root her and see how she goes,well it been about 3 weeks and she seem to re-root again and start to green up so iv now tranport her to some good soil,i seen her buds start to fatten up :D,im just doing this for abit of fun growing her along with me other girls,so let see how she does over the next mouth or so,here some pictures.
IMAG0891.jpgIMAG0889.jpgIMAG0890.jpg so till later :peace:
ok all i thought i would show some picture, of one of my cutting that i taking of when i was harvesting my RRF,as it was a very small bud i thought i see if i could re-root her and see how she goes,well it been about 3 weeks and she seem to re-root again and start to green up so iv now tranport her to some good soil,i seen her buds start to fatten up :D,im just doing this for abit of fun growing her along with me other girls,so let see how she does over the next mouth or so,here some pictures.
View attachment 31075View attachment 31076View attachment 31077 so till later :peace:

hey kudo, since i let all my males die off this is the only chance of saving any of the genetics i have, i have 3 clones in a bubble cloner, SR, AA, MI5, i remember a post from godbodystyle i think showing a a video that he harvested then let regrow, i dont think its a question of can we root these auto cuttings and will they stay alive, more of how can we get them to revert to 'veg'
:howdy:bro im just doing this for a bit of fun,i which the vid very good but im sure it be qucker to grow for seeds,im only doing this to see how she go bro,i wish it would re-veg again then that would be fun :peace:
ok all i thought i would show you how me cutting been getting on she got litte fat buds and she push more :D,but her life come to the end as i need the room for me other girl,so i thought i show you her for her last time :peace:
