AFN Presents: DynoMyco Mycorrhizae Community Grow (Q3 2022)

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
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Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
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DynoMyco Mycorrhizae Community Grow (Q3 2022)


Good morning everyone!

The Autoflower Network is pleased to announce a Community Grow sponsored by DynoMyco Mycorrhizae!

We have a number of @Cultivators that will be joining in on the community grow and we're excited to have the opportunity!

What is mycorrhizae?

Mycorrhizal fungi are a type of fungi that have existed since plant life first appeared on the planet. It forms a close symbiotic relationship with plant roots, forming a network of filaments that associate with plant roots and draw nutrients from the medium that the root system otherwise cannot access. This relationship promotes and stimulates accelerated plant growth and root development.

Mycorrhizae comes from the Greek word "mukés", which means fungus, and "rhiza," which means roots!

Who is DynoMyco?


DYNOMYCO®, developed in Israel from resilient strains of local mycorrhiza, is backed by 30 years of scientific research at Israel’s Institute for Agricultural Research at the Volcani Center. Inspired by a mission to shift agricultural practices in favor of easy, sustainable solutions, DYNOMYCO® harnesses the power of biology with technological innovation. Our product was designed and formulated by a team of biologists, agronomists, and soil and plant scientists, with the aim of helping cultivators support their plants’ full growth potential. Israel's unique cultivation and research ecosystem allowed the DYNOMYCO® team to test initial formulations on medical cultivars. DYNOMYCO® enables growers to increase both yields and quality by leveraging the power of fertile soil.


Our lab will never compromise on quality! Our state-of-the-art lab has the highest standards of Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA). We produce all our fungi in-house and will never outsource the production of our inoculants. Each product is screened to verify that it contains the highest concentration of viable spores, hyphae and root fragments (known as a whole-inoculum).


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

Where to Purchase:

100 gram (3.5 oz)​
340 gram (12 oz​
750 gram (26.05 oz)​
10 kilograms (22 lb)​

We have DynoMyco's Sales Director, Ari Singer, representing them on the forum! @aridynomyco

AFN would like to personally thank DynoMyco for the opportunity to test out their product, and a personal shoutout to Ari Singer for helping to make this happen!

Thank you everyone and let's grow together!
Just here to leave my honest opinion of this stuff.

I’ve only ever used one sort of mychorizae and it was Dutch pro takeroot. Never noticed much difference with it to be honest.

I used dynomyco with all my recent plants and grew some of the same strains without using it. The root development on the dynomyco girls were much more dense and more roots than the rest even though they all got fed the same and so on. Not a scientific test or anything so I don’t have solid evidence. But the evidence is clear with my own eyes. It does work, and it works very well. Never used great white to compare, but for the price and the results I’d much rather stick with dynomyco. It is not in powder form, unlike some other mychorizzaes.

For those who wanna know how to use dynomyco. Use it before you pot your girls up. Sprinkle some into the hole where you place your seed to sprout.. or you can do what I did and sprinkle some into your pot as you add your medium and mix it through.

Works great.

I grew this big girl with dynomyco amended in the medium.




Thanks dynomyco!
Very nice. I look forward to seeing the results. I hope someone runs a side by side of innoculated and not?

I should have a round of photo clones rooting soon that I can run some on.