New Grower Advice on auto mazar feeding

Oct 23, 2013
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I have 3 strains growing and they get fed the same nutes. The auto mazar has some discoloration on the upper leaves that the rest don't have. The other two, a think different and a fast and vast, are looking very healthy. They are around day 40 since sprouted and all have small buds developing.
I was wondering if anyone who has grown auto mazar has any advice about their feeding? Are they heavier or lighter than average feeders? Should I be looking to increase a particular nute or limit one? The discoloration started after I switched to flowering nutes last week.
Thanks for any advice.
I've never worked with that strain, but if you want to post some pictures of the problem areas i'm sure someone around here can get you on the right path to a solution.
I currently have 9 automazar growing. They are 48 days old. During the first 30 days the tips of new growth were yellow. Fed them at day 10 and day 20 with Neptunes Harvest Fish fert. 2-4-1. When I switched to bloom nutes (Dutch Pro autoflowering )it went away. The first few bloom feedings I used HALF the recommended amount. Now I am using full amount and things are looking good.

Maybe you should cut back and feed light at first. Hope this helps.