Indoor Advice needed


stoned, elephant.
Apr 22, 2012
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I have 3 blackjack photos I started in my tent next to my three green poison autos (which are about a week from harvest) just to get them going before moving them outside. They have been in the tent for three weeks and the weather is very bad to transplant so I am thinking to just grow them inside. Can I force them to flower by changing light schedule in a couple weeks. I just don't feel like paying the electric bill for another 4 months.... Can I harvest in two? Any links would be great!
what? harvest in 2?
you can grow the photos inside by changing the light to 12/12 when your autos are finished
You can change your light schedule don't care...The rest of ya post is kinda mixed up with ????s....harvest what in 2 ???...if they're photos, they will determine their own time to finish.... I grow autos alongside photos a lot and have no probs at all with doing 12/12 all the way through EVERYTHING.....
ok so I was a little stoned when I wrote that question:coffe:. so i will clear it up. I am harvesting the autos in 8-10 days (:booya:) but then I will keep the 20/4 light schedule on for the photos to grow a bit before changing light schedule to 12/12 to let them flower. However, since the photos have not showed sex yet, (and hopefully they won´t until after I harvest) can I put them on a 16/8 light schedule until I get them to the size I want then swith to 12/12 to force flowering or should I just keep the 20/4 light schedule they are used to until I force the flowering by switching to 12/12?

thanks for the replies!!!

autos normally us 20/4 but you can go low as 18/6 on both autos and photos to keep veg