Nutrients Advanced Nutrients PPM

Feb 28, 2019
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Hi All,

I am using Advanced Nutrients GROW MICRO BLOOM base nutes (at half dose - 2ml/l) and the following additives: Rhino Skin, Voodoo Juice, Tarantula, Piranha, Nirvana, Calmag X, Ancient Earth, B-52, Big Bud, Bud Candy, Bud Factor X, Bud Ignitor, Sensizyme, Overdrive, Flawless Finish.

If I add the recommended doses of the additives (2ml/l) the PPM shoots up to around 2000. Should I simply dilute the mix more until I get it to 500 PPM (I am in week 4)? I know autos are sensitive so I am scared to push the PPM so high.

I am afraid I am not giving the plants all the benefits of the supplements since I am diluting them much more than the dosage due to the high PPM, which I am afraid will burn my plants.

What do you think?

Any advice would be so helpful!

Ponic Farmer

I recommend starting at 1/4 recommended dose for G/M/B, that's usually enough if you're growing autoflowers. As far as additives go I would recommend 1/2 dose, obviously there is no need to use ''bloom boosters'' in veg.

Cal-mag needs depend on your grow medium and lights you use. If using soilless and LED, you'll probably need some, but be mindful of the extra N that's in Cal-mag.

Keep in mind once flower production really gets going, you'll want to lower N inputs. If you have more questions, I'll be around.

One piece of advice I have for you, once you used up all of this overpriced AN stuff, is to never buy it again. You would think at those prices, there's gold in those bottles. I recommend you check out Greenleaf nutrients, they are a vendor here on AFN.

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Thanks so much I’ll take what you said and follow the recommendations. What if the ppm reads high at these doses? Should I use them at that dosage despite a high ppm reading? I realize the AN is more about marketing now!
No problem, can you give me a rundown on your setup (grow medium, lights, strains, etc.), I'll feel more comfortable giving advice.

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Hi, They are Fast Buds GSC and BlackBerry strains. I’m using soil in a secret jardin 4x4 tent using kind led l600. Rh is 53% temp is 22 Celsius.
Of course may have other advice for you, but I would use AN’s feeding chart for week 4 and deviate only if there is a problem. If you run the base nutrients at, say, half strength, then run everything else at half strength too.
Indeed you could follow the feeding chart at 1/2 strength, but keep in mind that chart was made for photoperiods not autoflowers. Anyways here is how I would use what you have..

In veg, you said currently you're at week 4, I assume flowering has not started yet... G/M at 2ml/l, additives I would use in veg are: rhino skin, nirvana, b-52, ancient earth, bud candy. Voodoo juice, piranha, tarantula are meant to only be used once or twice in veg and bloom, if I'm not mistaken. Microbial inoculants and kelp basically, they shouldn't raise the PPM very much, if you want to use them all the way through.
In bloom I would swap GROW for BLOOM, same dose 2ml/l, additives same as in veg. Bud ignitor you only use once or twice when they really start to build flowers. When you start using big bud, I would cut down on BLOOM, 1ml/l would be enough then. Reason being their P numbers are very high, in reality you don't want as much P as they would like you to think. Always remember, its better to underfeed than to overfeed. Also I suggest always checking the pH of the solution, you shouldn't rely on their pH prefect thing..make sure that pen is calibrated regularly and cleaned after every use.
I'm sure I forgot something, so fire away if anything is unclear. And I would highly suggest you start a journal on here, there's loads of friendly people here that will help you along the way.
Thanks so much I’m going to follow your advice on all that and make a journal too!