New Grower Abandoned Thread

Jan 2, 2015
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Dude I would say research is great but as it comes to a seed:

1 take the final pot you are going to use and fill it with soil
2 let it stand in your growroom for 24 hours so it's room temp
3 get some toiletpaper make it wet
4 put in the seed
5 fold it shut and place in the bucket with soil
6 cover with a towel
7 look again in 3 days
8 if it has a little root go to step 9 if not repeat step 7 + spray the paper again with some water
9 put it in the soil root towards the bottom and don't cover with too much soil just a tiny layer

that's how I did it :p
Hey illbethere, thanks for stopping by to help a sister out. I just finished reading your journal, and I love the way you've maximized your light in your DIY construction. Super clever! I already dropped Phoenix into her water bath, but if she fails to launch, I'll definitely look into trying a different method next time out.

Keep posting on your timeline, too. I'm gonna put one up with my BAM bc I love this crazy wealth of knowledge.

Happy growing
Hey Aire, welcome to AFN! Blue Automazar will be cool to see.
play this before reading the rest of this post


Hey illbethere, thanks for stopping by to help a sister out.

A woman?

*makes caveman sounds and starts acting like one*

Growing her own herbs?



sorry, me and my HANDSOMELY good looks get carried away sometimes.
I am a hopeless ROMANTIC sometimes but that's because of my RICH personality I guess...

haha sorry for hitting on you!

Your method is fine!
I just meant to say don't worry too much with seeds, just room temp should be fine just nothing colder then you would like to be in yourself.
also don't make her shed her casing while in the water.
Put it in the soil root side down and she'll push the shell upwards, break the soil and then she will push off the shell herself.
if you feel like she isn't doing it you might want to (very carefully) get it off yourself.

just post some pics and ask questions whenever you feel like it.
Me and some other people on this forum will be glad to help!
Hello and welcome to afn! Im curiously awaiting results of my first grow because I also dove in and started before my room was ready and stable. it will certainly make a difference and its good you are learning from mistakes. Ill also say when it comes to germinating seeds, I got some excellent advice here and havent had an issue yet(knock on wood 7/7 lets keep the streak going) using wet paper towels between 2 plates and then ontop the cable box to stay warm.

:goodluck: and :vibes:
Hey Erudur. Whatever happened with your first seed doesn't matter too much, you'll continue to lose them from time to time and it's not going to be incredibly helpful to get too bogged down in the why of it. Not as a suggestion, but just to give you another idea, I plant my seeds directly into the soil about 1-2cm down and then cover the pot with a round water tray. It doesn't seal perfectly which allows enough air but it does create enough of a seal to help hold moisture which speeds the process up considerably. Anyway as an fyi there is currently a friendly competition of people growing Blue Automazar here if you're interested in either keeping an eye on it, or getting in on it. Anyway, best of luck with the grow I'm subbed up and look forward to seeing how it goes.
Hey Medi,

Thanks for that suggestion! I've got a lid for the plastic box I have my pot in that I will lay on top without sealing it to encourage a little humidity until she sprouts. My grow tent's humidity appears to have dropped to 24-28 as winter gets underway in full force here.

I've subbed that thread! My seed missed the in-soil-by-Jan-1st deadline, but as my first-ever-grow, I wouldn't have subjected myself to the stress of competing anyway.... I am much more interested in using all that data to learn from! Also, eye candy photos. I picked a good time to grow this strain, I guess!


Glad I could help, I didn't think you'd be interested with it being your first grow but I didn't want to assume. I figured either way you'd want to know so you can use the data to benchmark your own progress, so long as you temper your expectations of course ;-) Best of luck!!

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