play this before reading the rest of this post
Hey illbethere, thanks for stopping by to help a sister out.
A woman?
*makes caveman sounds and starts acting like one*
Growing her own herbs?
sorry, me and my HANDSOMELY good looks get carried away sometimes.
I am a hopeless ROMANTIC sometimes but that's because of my RICH personality I guess...
haha sorry for hitting on you!
Your method is fine!
I just meant to say don't worry too much with seeds, just room temp should be fine just nothing colder then you would like to be in yourself.
also don't make her shed her casing while in the water.
Put it in the soil root side down and she'll push the shell upwards, break the soil and then she will push off the shell herself.
if you feel like she isn't doing it you might want to (very carefully) get it off yourself.
just post some pics and ask questions whenever you feel like it.
Me and some other people on this forum will be glad to help!