Old Reviews a Volcano Vaporiser Question ;)

Jun 16, 2012
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hi guys...
i am using the volcano vaporiser.. and very happy with it.. try it and never look back :thumbs:

i was wondering..
since it's vaporising the Thc ... can we actually ... take a small bud straight from a plant ... grind/cut it.. then vaporise straight away without drying?.. has anyone tried this?.. :D

peace out :wiz:
Hey Shaun I do it all the time :smokebuds:
aaaa nice.... does it taste the same?.. i guess i better try it ASAP.. hehehe.. :smokebuds:
It doesn't taste as good as it would with a cure but I love the taste :thumbs:
I think the only worry would be added moisture like water in the lungs as it is vaping the water that usually gets to dry off. I've done it in small amounts, tastes fresh and hits hard still. I would suggest doing it seldom to give the lungs a break if you start to feel winded or weezing some time after the hit. Same effects are shown straight after a monster hit so don't worry the first minute or two. Enjoy your new Volcano!:smokebuds:
Everything I've ever heard regarding this question, which is posed more often than you think, suggests that nothing beats a well cured nug. If it's worth doing, you might as well stick to the tried and true.
Last time and only other time I grew I saved so Much money that time I got myself a volcano! Lost the chamber etc that goes on top... Now that I see the harvest right around the corner I want to dig it out again... Where did you get yours? Did you get the easy kit for the top or the reg? Get a good deal? Where you order yours from as I want to replace the missing parts... Cheapest I've seen for the kit is $100 which kills me to buy for such a small part! Though nonfunctional... Loved mine! Had the oil burning thing as well which was fun ;) enjoy yours! You'll love it... Also if wondering no what's left over from the vape (ground up bud) isn't good for anything as far as I know...
Enjoy your new toy!!! You'll never regret buying it!
Last time and only other time I grew I saved so Much money that time I got myself a volcano! Lost the chamber etc that goes on top... Now that I see the harvest right around the corner I want to dig it out again... Where did you get yours? Did you get the easy kit for the top or the reg? Get a good deal? Where you order yours from as I want to replace the missing parts... Cheapest I've seen for the kit is $100 which kills me to buy for such a small part! Though nonfunctional... Loved mine! Had the oil burning thing as well which was fun ;) enjoy yours! You'll love it... Also if wondering no what's left over from the vape (ground up bud) isn't good for anything as far as I know...
Enjoy your new toy!!! You'll never regret buying it!

i got mine a couple months ago in amsterdam, i was planning a trip there... and i thought i will try it at the coffeshop before actually buy one.. since it such a pricey unit, so i wont regret buying it..,
soo i went to the greenhouse.. and ask if i can use the volcano... the guy next to me taught me how to use it... after that i straight away made up my mind.. :D
got the digital with the solid valve.., since the solid valve is very old looking and bulky... i decided to order online for the easy valve... which is much lighter and much2 easier mechanism

as far as what's left over...
i think you normally can get around 5 balloons.. then you start to think ... 'hmm... is it finished or is there anything left there...?'

here's what i did,.. vape on balloon 3 times... then i got a couple friends that like to smoke it than vape it... gave it to them to test out... and you still get a kick out of it.. :) , and since its pre heated... the burn on a joint is actually better... :D

thanks for input guys... really appreciated.. :thumbs:
Do want to add if your only a vape user and not smoking it straight out the grinder you definetly want to make sure your weed you are about to buy isn't bone dry or else you will be lucky getting 2 or 3 hits each bowl.

When it tastes a bit baked or lost the pure flavour and high you were going for, throw those bowls in a baggy. You can cook with the already vaped stuff by extracting the left over CBDs and small amount of THC. For smoking you will need to have a few bongs and feel more of the sedative effect of the CBDs as there are more left good for easing back pain during day and sleep at night.

I don't like smoking the vaped leftovers anymore so I vape till there's no green left in there, bag it and give it a friend whos out of smoke or will hopefully one day cook again!:toke:
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