Indoor A very unhappy plant... Day 32

Dec 11, 2020
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Problem: A lot... But mainly wondering about the flaccid leaves and feeding schedule

Medium/grow method: BioBizz Allmix from seed

Feed: and supplements used: None yet

water source: Tap, Dechlorinated 24h. Slightly hard, 7.1pH

Strain/age: RQS NL, 32 days

light used: 100W (true) blurple

Climate: 24C PEAK daytime, 50%RH, 19C LOW nighttime, 60% RH

Additional info:

She's in a 2L pot and I intend to keep it there until finish, just practicing small containers for some solo cup style grows. I've grown fine in coco before in 2gal pots, no problems, and done one joke grow in a pint can in lightmix with very little issues

The allmix has been causing all manner of problems, as I'm sure you can see, heavy N tox on some of the middle growth, a lot of clawing but no burns. New growth looks to be growing out of it. I also COMPLETELY snapped the main stem 4 days ago (it was still together, but barely) when attempting a supercrop. I taped it immediately with some sellotape + electrical tape I had to hand. She seems to have recovered. The only casualty I can see from this is the mottled, crispy and drooping fan leaf in the middle of the plant, visible at the front in one of the photos. It doesn't look to have affected the plant otherwise, if anything the lower branches have shot up and the top still looks to be alive.

I water her when the pot is light and the topsoil is dry just over an inch deep. This amounts to about 300ml of water every 4 days currently, I just recently upped this from 200ml once a week.

So here are my main questions:

She is now in preflower. I haven't added any nutes at all yet but have some BioBizz Grow and BioBizz Bloom. The soil and the plant are telling me they don't need feeding yet because of how hot the soil was. Is this correct? It almost looks like she might go the whole way with no feed, maybe a little in the last couple of weeks.

Some of the growth up top (just under the newest growth) is very droopy as well as clawed. I last watered 2 days ago and the topsoil is starting to dry out again. Am I overwatering her? Can't work out why she looks so sad.

Should I remove the tape from the stem break? Or will it just get stretched off? It isn't taped on super tight, but it has 3 layers.

I have a dehumidifer ready for when she enters flower and intend to put it in the space within the next few days to try keep a steady 45%.

Basically, there's a lot wrong with her and I've no idea where to start! Allmix and supercropping, never again.


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Not sure about your medium, but at 4+ weeks you are going to need to start feeding. I would start with a half measure of bloom, if that is all you have.

As long as the tape is not prohibiting the branch from growing (on too tight), then leave it where it is. You can take it off in a couple of weeks once you know there will be a knuckle at the breakpoint.

The plant looks fine to me, if a bit long in the internode. Might be your LED is not going to cut it, but you'll not know that till later.

Keep going mate, the only way is forward.
Not sure about your medium, but at 4+ weeks you are going to need to start feeding. I would start with a half measure of bloom, if that is all you have.

As long as the tape is not prohibiting the branch from growing (on too tight), then leave it where it is. You can take it off in a couple of weeks once you know there will be a knuckle at the breakpoint.

The plant looks fine to me, if a bit long in the internode. Might be your LED is not going to cut it, but you'll not know that till later.

Keep going mate, the only way is forward.

Cheers for the reply bud, but are you sure you would still recommend a feed? Only the newest of growth is showing signs of not having N tox (clawing, dark green). I have grow + bloom at the ready but was going to wait until a slight discolouring before feeding. Hasn't happened yet.

As for the rest, noted, thanks a lot. I think a large amount of the stretch is due to green beaning when it was a seedling under some shitty light sticks but I'll see how it goes.
Cheers for the reply bud, but are you sure you would still recommend a feed? Only the newest of growth is showing signs of not having N tox (clawing, dark green). I have grow + bloom at the ready but was going to wait until a slight discolouring before feeding. Hasn't happened yet.

As for the rest, noted, thanks a lot. I think a large amount of the stretch is due to green beaning when it was a seedling under some shitty light sticks but I'll see how it goes.
How this grow go?