I've looked around a bit. Will the 30x to 40x jewler's loupes work?
If ya got a link to a good one with a light I'd be thankful.
If ya got a link to a good one with a light I'd be thankful.
Personally i have a, 20x,30x,40x,50x and a 60-100x , might be my old eyes, but the 60-100x is the only one where I could completely see the trichome heads perfectly. The 40x and 50x magnifies but for me personally I can't make out the individual heads.
Yup the 60-100x is a bit of a hassle to use as it isn't like a loupe, it's more like a microscope. You gotta zoom and focus lol. I usually use it while.sitting down cuz it is a bit hard to use.yeah i have weaker eyes myself and personally use a 45X loupe.but its said on average a good lite 30X is fair enough and id agree of most ppl that have decent eyes.also depends on the strain,some strains are waaay aeasier to see than others but a solid well lite LED loupe at 45X or better should do you juust fine.try to get one with a larger eye relief too since i really really think that will help with our busted ass eyes lmfao!! i always found them basic one piece plastic adjustable 60-100X a pain to use to be honest.i like the other type better.a large 20X hand held glass and varying scopes from 30X on up to around a good lite 60X is all that I need to see anything i need.well now I want a digital USB plug n play 100X-500X scope lol for my laptop.then ill really be able to get some bangin tric pics lol!!then ill really be able to see.lol but thats wht i like:Sharing One:
Bro if it's from $50-70 link it,I need a usb . God they look like such ease, and make such pretty Pictures.these two are the easiest ive personally found and focus really really well.plus the 60X has a money or currency UV light too lol!!kinda nifty neato.. lmfao its a 40 and a 60x plus my larger hand held looker lol
ohh heck ya bro,Im always sitting looking at them especially with them scopes man lol!!
ya a few weeks ago i was looking at a great in for around 50-70 bucks with a killer warranty too.ill have to look n see if i can find it lol.but there are ones ive seen for like 40 bucks or so that are decent.i just want a bit more of a nicer one is all since im hard on gear usually lol