New Grower a rather long list of questions regarding grow medium/nutes/pots

Dec 10, 2013
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hey everyone :tiphat:
Sorry for the novel - go put on a pot of coffee, pack a bowl and read =D

About to be on PhaseII of grow 2.
all strains i'll mention are all feminized and autos.
Initially we had intended on growing one auto maria2 from Paradise and 2 big devil from sweet seeds. AM2 broke the soil 3 days later, but the 2 BD still have yet to come through. They are planted about 1/4 inch below the surface, and there is no perlite or anything obstructing them popping, so we just assumed they were duds or that we'd somehow screwed something up. So a few days ago we decided to germ 1x Auto Acid and 1x Pandora, both from Paradise.

Now, the am2 is planted in a mix of black gold organic potting soil leftover from the last grow, harvest superpowered compost, and some coco and perlite for added drainage, and so far, she seems to be rather... spry, haha. Initially I was trying to follow the grow @ Lowes dirt guide from one of the forums here, but i accidentally ordered the compost instead of the soil- stoneerrr :bong: .
So that said, the only nutes I have at this point are Alaska Fish Emulsion and Miracle Gro Liquid Quick Start. Would you recommend anything/something else? I also have the Epsoma Bio-Tone Starter+ Organic and the Harvest SuperPowered Compost w/ Bio-Char and the coco and perlite.
1st question set: Would the Espoma, Compost and soil(s) all have enough nutes for the life of the plant? Would you even bother making your own mix from the things that are available or would you just pick one and cross your fingers?

We ran out of the BGO since it was leftover, so we went to amazon and ordered 3 gallon smart pots, black gold (which IS OMRI listed) seedling mix, and fox farm ocean forest.

Sooo .............blink.... blink what?

Ive read that a lot of people say FFOF is too hot for seedlings. But in the same breath, Ive read different strains react differently...much like the answer to A LOT of questions about growing lol.

2nd question set: Does anyone have experience with these strains? What medium did you use?
Does anyone have experience with these strains and FFOF?
Autos of ANY strain and FFOF?
Would you recommend that I cut the FFOF with the seedling mix?

For anyone not familiar with Black Gold, this is what the site says about the seedling mix "This highly refined, organic seedling mix is everything it should be: low-salt, fine yet porous and water-retentive. We add an organic wetting agent to ensure uniform water penetration�a common problem with comparable mixes� and fine grade peat moss and perlite to ensure excellent root growth for newly germinated seedlings."

Im putting them in their final 2.5 gallon (might be 3gal, I can't remember) smart pots (to shock them as little as possible by transplanting/moving them from container to container). But im not entirely clear yet on how to grow using a smart pot...i read that depending on humidity you need to water more? (unfortunately my humidity is low - check out my grow journal if you want the deets on that But if I use the seedling mix that has organic wetting agents in it, would I stick to a normal watering schedule?

Gahhh I just wanna get this grow right, but there is sooooo much opinion and not enough fact when it comes to this subject. hmph.
If you made it all the way, thank you. and a double thank you if you have any comments or suggestions for me :D And for making it this far, your parting gift is a picture of my lovely AutoMaria II

Would you recommend anything/something else? I also have the Epsoma Bio-Tone Starter+ Organic and the Harvest SuperPowered Compost w/ Bio-Char and the coco and perlite.
1st question set: Would the Espoma, Compost and soil(s) all have enough nutes for the life of the plant? Would you even bother making your own mix from the things that are available or would you just pick one and cross your finger

There might be enough nutes to get you through the veg stage but you might need some phosphorous and potassium during flower stage.
I use plain organic mix (won't mention the maker as it will get me flamed most likely) with a quarter perlite and plain 3 gallon pots that nurseries use and everything works out fine. There should be at least enough nutrients in the soil for at least a month in my experience but never nute until at least the 2nd week if you're going to and lead up to it. I germ straight in the pot and my jack herer has been ahead growth wise as some fancy setups I've seen. It's really better to germ autoflowers straight in the final pot as it can stress and stunt with the transplant and the seedlings don't have to adjust to the new soil. Don't worry about humidity too much, MJ is a weed and very resilient, and autoflowers are bred with ruderalis which comes from the afghani region which is dry as a bone. People worry too much, plants are hardy and just give it what it needs when it and the soil shows you (just water around the seedling carefully and when it gets bigger just add enough water until a little drains out of the bottom and only water when it's almost dry). Just have realistic expectations, you're not going to get tons from an autoflower. My two cents on what I've learned and researched and from previous non-cannabis flower growing. Hope I helped some and Feel free to message me with any specific questions. :)