New Grower A question or two for you.

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Hello fellow growers , I have a friend who is planning his first grow. He enjoys his sleep far too much to consider doing it indoors. He has concern's with the number of hours of daylight in this Winter season. With the small hours of daylight , He is worried that the plant's won't receive enough light to flower properly. As of now He is getting 12 hours of light , and only about 10 of full sun. Should he wait another month or two before sowing his ever-so-expensive seeds?

THanx , URB.
50 maybe down in the 40's. It did swing down to the30's twice , but I think that is over . I t will be for sure by the time his site is selected. He is planning on breeding the first go round to get enough seeds to springboard into something worthwhile. I do believe his first grow will be LR2. Are there any varieties that are well adept to outdoor living? Is there anything he should be aware of when it comes to seed production?
I suspect those night time temperatures are going to be too cold. Once the roots get cold it will inhibit the plants ability to properly take up nutrients. If he wants to attempt this I would suggest that he put the plants outdoors in the daytime but then bring them indoors to some place that's at least about 65 degrees at night.

With the proper setup, including a carbon filter to control the odor, indoor growing can be very stealth and relatively worry free.
Hey urb, might be of no use if your friend is that lazy! but I've built a propagator (4x2x1) out of off cuts of wood filled it with sand and put in a heat cable with thermostat that I use for ordinary propagation but I'm just in the middle of cobbling together a height extension to raise it to 3' because I've massively over sown! and am bursting out of my grow room! This easily keeps the temps at 20+ (celsius during the day) and never falls below 18 during the night, worth the effort and minimal expense (compared to buying even a small professional prop') our biggest problem here is not temps ( we haven't even come close to dropping below 0c this year) but the fucking continuous rain! So even transfering my overflow outside I might not get much of a crop due to low light levels hope this is of help.
PS It's covered in ordinary clear sheet plastic.
there is no electricity in the woods. I guess I will tell him to wait till night time temps stay at 65.
Are there any varieties that are well adept to outdoor living? Is there anything he should be aware of when it comes to seed production?

any of mossys stuff can withstand colder temps and down to 10 hours daylight... I think freezing is the cutoff and they must be brought to sex prior to in warmer conditions.,...
next year I'll be releasing a cold tolerant Purple Russian Haze but clearly thats a ways off yet... but mossys stuff is readily available and terrific meds!