A Letter to those without chronic pain

Did you know that Ardent makes the Lift as well, which is essentially the same as the Nova but can be sold anywhere.
Yes. The Lift is identical to the Nova.

I ordered the Nova a year ago. I do not have a MM card. I was told to send a copy of my MM card; after paying for the Nova in full. I told them I do not have a MM card and to refund my payment. They sent me the Nova. I got the Nova instead of the Lift, but from what Ardent Labs says; it's identical.
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Or just get a Temp gauge for the oven and not pay anything lol, I have been making butter and decarbing myself also made some Gold Dragon that only takes 2 drops under tounge and you are lit for about 5 hours and it kicks in within 15 minutes the butter only takes me about 1/4 a TSP on some toast or cracker in the morning and i am good pretty much all day. When I can afford it I will get one but for now oven is my cheap friend... I also have been making sugar cookies, I got some AutoNight Queen Butter,Auto Black Jack Butter and Black Jack Gold Dragon... :D does a body good.
Needless to say I will probably be doing another grow here sometime, I am now in love with edibles, I have thus perfected CannaButter and the dosage for myself...I still have not got the Gold Dragon down pat it is tricky but once I get it it will be nice, here is a batch of Cookies I made. CannaButter was 1 ounce of Black Jack Auto from Sweet Seeds it made 2 cups total and this recipe only required 1/2 cup they taste great and are strong, I can have a quarter of one and go from feeling like complete and utter garbage to feeling happy with reduced pain,content and actually have some energy. I don't know if I mentioned I had lung surgery on the 6th of January for a Spontaneous Pneumothorax in the upper lobe of my left lung. I had 2 different chest tubes,one in the front and one in my side, 3 surgeries in one he,removed the upper lobe of my left lung and did something called Mechanical Pleuraldosis,VATS,A wedge Biopsy and thoracoscopy. I directly asked my CardioThorastic Surgeon even tho my state is Black not Green :( he said that Smoke of any kind is not good. I asked him about Reg Vaping he said there are not enough studies out yet, I asked about Cannabis Smoke and he said is it worse than Cigs... NO... but its still smoke and smoke of any kind the lungs are simply not made to take it in, they are made for AIR and Oxygen not a smoldering hot cloud of anything, he told me to not even be around people that were smoking Cigarettes but did NOT SAY A WORD ABOUT CANNABIS smoke,second hand or vapor, but for the overall health of my lung I have decided not to smoke anymore but use edibles instead, I was in the hospital for 14 days and I do not want to go back for ANYTHING it is and was horrible, I am praying for every person on earth that is in the hospital suffering right now :( and people suffering period because I am one of them, much luv guys and have a mellow day and a dreamy night!



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Well said @MediScrogs

The first few months after my injury were bad...really bad. And then years started to drift by, and it was psychological torture, as I was forced to keep working while in extreme pain and constant migranes,along with little to no sleep. The so called "light duties" that were deemed suitable by the system, were anything but, and it made my injury much worse. I battled with the insurance for 7 years before they finally said screw you, and I got nothing for my legitimate workplace injury. They can ignore doctor after doctor, can pull sentence fragments out of context, to use as ammunition against you...absolute warfare on the mind. In the end I got nothing and have struggled ever since while still having to cope with intense amounts of intense pain. Not stuff I share in public forums usually, but at this point I don't care anymore. ;)
Left twisting in the wind by the corporation I had worked for. Case didn't even matter to them. Had to work with the hernias, and live with them.Had to pay for every surgery, with more than money. Was in those dark places, didn't care about life. Yeah "light duty," doesn't exist. However, I try and balance my thoughts. Less dwelling on the things that diverted my life, more thinking about the bright future. Some days are easier. Always thinking of new ways to make the bacon. Some days though AFN and meds are what keep the mind positive. :cheers:
Well, I have A TON OF CANNABUTTER I have about 2 cups of Auto BlackJack butter and 1 cup of Auto Black Cream butter each batch was made with about Ounce of flower, BUT I started vaping the flower and I love it, so now I vape and still have a ton of butter. I will eat some now and then I went ahead and froze it so it should be good for about 4 more months, thank god for vaping, I love edibles but it is the most unpredictable high strength wise I cannot be totally lit for 9 hours and still run around and keep up with a 3 year old lmao it is hard.
Well, I have A TON OF CANNABUTTER I have about 2 cups of Auto BlackJack butter and 1 cup of Auto Black Cream butter each batch was made with about Ounce of flower, BUT I started vaping the flower and I love it, so now I vape and still have a ton of butter. I will eat some now and then I went ahead and froze it so it should be good for about 4 more months, thank god for vaping, I love edibles but it is the most unpredictable high strength wise I cannot be totally lit for 9 hours and still run around and keep up with a 3 year old lmao it is hard.

Thats where i find tincture to really shine...once you have tested a batch its easy to limit your dosage to your planned day.