New Grower A Challenge Accepted / My 1st Indoor LED grow

May 12, 2015
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Hello AFN! Now that I have the "Auto-Itch" from my current outdoor grow, I've convinced a friend to let me use a room he tried to complete but has deemed unusable except in winter. The room itself is 7.5ft L x 3.5 ft W x 6ft H. The reason he doesn't use this room besides winter is due to it not having an exhaust fan (it's just not an option) and it's temp is outdoor based due to it being in a subterranean basement. There is how ever a small intake fan that is constantly blowing in air. When I ran his 1000w hps at 60% the room hit 117F after being on for 15 hours :doh:. So I say no problem I'll throw some LED's (Which he was unaware of and I have yet to try) and some CFL's in there. He tells me I'm free to use the room because he never does until the basement is so cold the light heat keeps the room perfect. So in my haste I buy 2 Marshydro 300 (60x5w) lights and throw a bunch of Y connectors together with 8 23w CFL bulbs. Originally I had a light at each end of the room and the strip of CFL's in the middle and a box fan circulating air. Also I sprouted 8 seeds before seeing what my girls new environment would be like after a few days of running 24hrs. So everything was fine until it got to be 95F outside and the air inside my room had no way to get out fast enough. So for now I'm only running the 2 300w LED's and using a small oscillating fan, the room stays between 76-86F every day regardless of outside temp so far and my RH is between 65-75. Most of the seedlings have some heat curling that I hope doesn't stunt them too much because I'm sticking with them regardless. So here's our lineup: 2 Dr. Krippling Smoking Gun's (AK47 strain) 3 Short Stuff Short Mix Seeds ( No idea what they will be just know its 3 different strains by the look of the seeds) and 3 Royal Queen Northern Lights. Here's some intro photos to the girls, it's day 10. I'll put them in the order I have listed above. Brown on 1st picture is dirt i got on leaf as i wiped away a tiny drop of water, also will try to get a picture of the whole setup as I'm only using about a 4x3 section of it so I'm at 50w/sqft. The camera died as i hurried to get the last photo, also with the curling I'm seeing, I don't believe it's new it's just more noticeable as the leaves grow larger, though after these pictures i did raise my lights to within the recommended 18-24in instead of where I had them at about 16in. Thanks all and here's to hopefully a successful grow! :vibes:


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Forgot to add that all plants are in a soil/pro-mix mixture, in 5 gallon buckets except for the 3 Short stuff which are in 3 gallon containers as they are bred to be smaller so put em in 3's as it allows me to put buckets together closer and i didn't think with them it would make a huge difference.
The good news is I don't see any signs of heat stress and they do not appear to show any stunting!! Lookin good in my opinion.
Congrats on making the jump into an indoor grow.:d5:
If heat is a major concern, you may want to consider cutting back the hours to 18/6 and run them opposite of daylight hours.
I run my ladies at 18/6 and they come on at 4pm and go off at 10am.
I keep the lights off during the hottest part of the day.
Kids are looking good:thumbsup:
Hope this may help:pass:
Totally spaced that I'm running the two lights at 20/4 them being off during hottest time of day. :thanks: Ronin! :peace::baked:
Show 'em what autos and LEDs can do! I'll be watching excitedly.
Day 13 Update- All the girls are coming along very nicely! It still amazes me the huge differences you can have in the same strains at the same age. I took a top shot of each plant with a side shot while trying to hold a lighter next to them for height comparison. I believe the leave curling was from the speed of the fan blowing over the plants, so I've slowed that down. Seems I may have either slightly nute burned one of the plants or i got some on the tip of the leaf because its not showing anywhere else on the plant. So when do you guys start your LST with most plants? After seeing how they grew outside I believe I need to top or LST to achieve a larger yield, though I'm very hesitant to top any of them for fear of stunting. Also got a photo of the setup this time, and all pics are UFO show style today :goauto:. 1st we have the 2 Dr. Krippling's Smoking Gun (AK47 Strain), Then the 3 Short Mix seeds from Short Stuff, and the 3 Royal Queen Northern Lights. While all 3 NL are coming along nicely the one in the back is a monster!


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Rest of the photos, Everyone have a Great day and remember to BE EASY!!! :vibes: :smokeout:


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So during my visit this morning I decide I'm going to experiment doing a few things to the girls. Everything went smoothly when I supercropped one of the Smoking Gun's, and then I went to do one of the Short Mix one and *SNAP* :doh: After that I got squeamish about playing with the others until I wait a few more days. Here's hoping she doesn't mind a two week old topping lol. Also thinking that "ponytailing" maybe a better option for me right now until I get more expierence with Auto's and their durability. More pics in a few days just a good ol' AM update :coffee2:. :hookah: