well, this should be fun. I am soon to be 54 and have a severe case of something called ankylosing spondylitis which let's just say I have been dealing with some pretty bad chronic pain for oh, about 30 years now. I was lucky and was in the Army and they retired me.
I grew up in a small, very liberal college town. We used to party pretty hard with a few of our high school teachers. Looking back, not too ideal, but I thought it was great at the time. Smoked my 1st joint during the summer before going to 8th grade. My best friend found his brother's weed. We promised each other that we would never do anything "harder", just try it out and see what all the fuss was about.
2 weeks later, stoned about all of it, my friend then found some mescaline. I had discovered the joy of psychedelics. I have a horrible memory, but I still remember that night. Ended up coming home around 1:00 am, supposed to be home by dark. Parents sitting there waiting for me about as pissed as could be. I go to sit down so they could talk to me, and then totally missed the chair. It was some pretty awesome psychedelics back then.
I think it is safe to say I doubt I was never not stoned from age 15 on. We used to meet before school at "the log", go to "the log" during study halls, after school etc. As we got older, a couple of the teachers had coke parties, mainly so they could screw the young girls. Even back then we knew that was really, really wrong, but hey, we were getting free coke. But psychedelics and weed were my drugs of choice. Man what I wouldn't give if I were smart enough to stash some Mr. Natural for this time in my life.
Anyway, knew I needed to get away from that so joined the Army. Turned out I was fairly smart when i wasn't stoned. The irony was I joined knowing I needed to get away , after basic I went to Germany and my 1st night there, they took me up and introduced me to my platoon, I walk in and the 1st thing they ask me was if I did acid.......was a good night.
But I became a "cripple", had kids and sobered up. Even pretty much quit drinking because I didn't want the kids to see daddy falling down drunk.
I had always figured I would be an old man sitting in a rocker smoking weed, but I moved to a little warmer weather where I didn't know anyone about 20 years ago and have basically not smoked anything since.
While I would love to explore my consciousness with psychedelics ( unlike my many years of recreational use) living in a small town where the only people I know are friends of my kids, that is pretty much out of the question and I did smoke some weed once and no longer enjoyed it as I was paranoid and it turned me into a couch potato....but it did help with the pain.
The government, in it's infinite wisdom, started me on morphine about 18 years ago which is too long a story to even begin. I now see private doctors and while I think morphine has been a great tool for allowing me to live a fairly normal life, I am pretty sick and tired of all of the negative control aspects of it. I believe I have decided to wean myself off of the morphine in June so thought I had better start looking for an alternative.
Funny how the government put me on morphine, only because it was cheap, but they don't want me to see if marijuana helps control my pain because it might lead me to doing harder drugs......gotta love the irony. But I do believe it is very safe to say that I am one of the most cynical person in the U.S. and I do not believe they are my government, but that is again another story (I am fair in that I believe neither party has our best interest at heart).
Anyway, so decided to grow me some weed. I am not worried about being too stealthy. I sort of live in the country and have 3 acres of land and will have no problems at all. I did run across autoflowers, new to me, and thought I would start with mainly those tho I did get one outdoor seed.
Forget the strains off the top of my head, some auto white widow, hawaiian something and forget the others, too lazy to go to fridge to see. My wife ddoes not smoke and is now anti-weed so she is not too happy with me growing my own but I really don;t care.
I was going to just use one of my garages, but after doing some research have decided to build a wood grow box so they will have better light etc. Bright side is at this point in my life I do not have to be stealthy and while not rich by any means, not scrapping pennies together to build the box etc.
As I have no clue to what I am doing, in the old days we just planted it in a field and waited so our pot was never any good and we always had to buy it, so I am picking up the stuff to make the "super soil" only I am substituting
OF for the root organic (didn;t want to have to drive to different stores as I do have to drive a good hour to get this stuff). For lights I am just going to see about bombarding the plant with cfls, over the top of course plus along both sides. I figure I will make my grow box so I can easily move the lights as the plant grows. I will probably just start with one and see what happens, probably the auto white widow, tho I wouldn't be surprised if I get a couple going at different times. I am sure I am not going to need much. I am growing it strictly to see if it helps with my pain. The down side is I occasionally have to take a urine test (they test me because they know it will be negative so I make everyone look good) which means I have to stop the morphine before I try the weed.....gotta love our health care system. I could tell stories many would think I was making up......soooooo, long enough intro. Turns out my morphine and adderall are just kicking in so I get "talkative", I am pulling an all nighter as the wife is coming home and I need to clean the house. I do plan on taking pics as the grow goes, may be interesting to see just how I end up killing them
Now, if I could only get shrooms to grow. Now that I did try but had no success. Was a bummer because I listen to people like Terrance Mckenna, Graham Hancock etc and do believe that psychedelics can be a great way to explore our consciousness and there is a lot more truth in doing that than many give it credit for. But alas, when you are a 54 year old kind of stooped over looking guy living in a small town with no one you grew up with.....good luck getting of that. I did pick some strains of weed that have a "psychedelic" effect tho.....won't be even close, but as close as I will get until I can figure out how to get the shrooms to grow. I did try eating a san pedro.....I screwed up and actually tried eating it thinking it couldn't be as bad as everyone said...I was wrong. I also made some ayahuasca....oh man, I wanted the experience so bad . I could not drink that stuff. Do not know if it is why I didn't work but I ended up freezing it so I could eat it, thought I would puke just trying to get it down. Mr Natural was sooo much easier. I tried the aya brew twice but gave up as the only thing I was getting was sick to my stomach. I wouldn't have minded the purge if I experienced the "mother" part, but I was just getting sick with no experience..... I am going to try a San Pedro again......and of course going to try shrooms again, and again, and again, and again.....lol. Is the morphine/adderall combo talking....sorry. I took 3x the adderall so I could stay up.....now I better get back to work. "nice" intro huh lol
I grew up in a small, very liberal college town. We used to party pretty hard with a few of our high school teachers. Looking back, not too ideal, but I thought it was great at the time. Smoked my 1st joint during the summer before going to 8th grade. My best friend found his brother's weed. We promised each other that we would never do anything "harder", just try it out and see what all the fuss was about.
2 weeks later, stoned about all of it, my friend then found some mescaline. I had discovered the joy of psychedelics. I have a horrible memory, but I still remember that night. Ended up coming home around 1:00 am, supposed to be home by dark. Parents sitting there waiting for me about as pissed as could be. I go to sit down so they could talk to me, and then totally missed the chair. It was some pretty awesome psychedelics back then.
I think it is safe to say I doubt I was never not stoned from age 15 on. We used to meet before school at "the log", go to "the log" during study halls, after school etc. As we got older, a couple of the teachers had coke parties, mainly so they could screw the young girls. Even back then we knew that was really, really wrong, but hey, we were getting free coke. But psychedelics and weed were my drugs of choice. Man what I wouldn't give if I were smart enough to stash some Mr. Natural for this time in my life.
Anyway, knew I needed to get away from that so joined the Army. Turned out I was fairly smart when i wasn't stoned. The irony was I joined knowing I needed to get away , after basic I went to Germany and my 1st night there, they took me up and introduced me to my platoon, I walk in and the 1st thing they ask me was if I did acid.......was a good night.
But I became a "cripple", had kids and sobered up. Even pretty much quit drinking because I didn't want the kids to see daddy falling down drunk.
I had always figured I would be an old man sitting in a rocker smoking weed, but I moved to a little warmer weather where I didn't know anyone about 20 years ago and have basically not smoked anything since.
While I would love to explore my consciousness with psychedelics ( unlike my many years of recreational use) living in a small town where the only people I know are friends of my kids, that is pretty much out of the question and I did smoke some weed once and no longer enjoyed it as I was paranoid and it turned me into a couch potato....but it did help with the pain.
The government, in it's infinite wisdom, started me on morphine about 18 years ago which is too long a story to even begin. I now see private doctors and while I think morphine has been a great tool for allowing me to live a fairly normal life, I am pretty sick and tired of all of the negative control aspects of it. I believe I have decided to wean myself off of the morphine in June so thought I had better start looking for an alternative.
Funny how the government put me on morphine, only because it was cheap, but they don't want me to see if marijuana helps control my pain because it might lead me to doing harder drugs......gotta love the irony. But I do believe it is very safe to say that I am one of the most cynical person in the U.S. and I do not believe they are my government, but that is again another story (I am fair in that I believe neither party has our best interest at heart).
Anyway, so decided to grow me some weed. I am not worried about being too stealthy. I sort of live in the country and have 3 acres of land and will have no problems at all. I did run across autoflowers, new to me, and thought I would start with mainly those tho I did get one outdoor seed.
Forget the strains off the top of my head, some auto white widow, hawaiian something and forget the others, too lazy to go to fridge to see. My wife ddoes not smoke and is now anti-weed so she is not too happy with me growing my own but I really don;t care.
I was going to just use one of my garages, but after doing some research have decided to build a wood grow box so they will have better light etc. Bright side is at this point in my life I do not have to be stealthy and while not rich by any means, not scrapping pennies together to build the box etc.
As I have no clue to what I am doing, in the old days we just planted it in a field and waited so our pot was never any good and we always had to buy it, so I am picking up the stuff to make the "super soil" only I am substituting
Now, if I could only get shrooms to grow. Now that I did try but had no success. Was a bummer because I listen to people like Terrance Mckenna, Graham Hancock etc and do believe that psychedelics can be a great way to explore our consciousness and there is a lot more truth in doing that than many give it credit for. But alas, when you are a 54 year old kind of stooped over looking guy living in a small town with no one you grew up with.....good luck getting of that. I did pick some strains of weed that have a "psychedelic" effect tho.....won't be even close, but as close as I will get until I can figure out how to get the shrooms to grow. I did try eating a san pedro.....I screwed up and actually tried eating it thinking it couldn't be as bad as everyone said...I was wrong. I also made some ayahuasca....oh man, I wanted the experience so bad . I could not drink that stuff. Do not know if it is why I didn't work but I ended up freezing it so I could eat it, thought I would puke just trying to get it down. Mr Natural was sooo much easier. I tried the aya brew twice but gave up as the only thing I was getting was sick to my stomach. I wouldn't have minded the purge if I experienced the "mother" part, but I was just getting sick with no experience..... I am going to try a San Pedro again......and of course going to try shrooms again, and again, and again, and again.....lol. Is the morphine/adderall combo talking....sorry. I took 3x the adderall so I could stay up.....now I better get back to work. "nice" intro huh lol