60-70 degree f temps in the am. With fog. Help

One Love

Sep 9, 2015
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I have a couple of Spanish diesel at this moment I have about 2 ozs and still about two and a half weeks left and from the weather report we will be having 95% humidity and am fog really heavy can't see your streets till about 900 am. Do I need to bring them in every night the the fog is completely gone and sun is out and bright? And we will be having intermittent showers then very high humidity until the sun burn off the humidity Please any ideaswill be helpful and totally heart felt for me and my wife. ONE LOVE BABY
It's a tricky one - if it were me (and if you can do this) I wouldn't be too concerned about the mist, id be more concerned about the rain as this can sit in buds a lot longer than a slight glistening of misty dew. Can you build a small shelter for them like a polythene structure that keeps the rain off but the sun and airflow gowing? Your biggest problem now might be bud-rot so check plants frequently and if you get mould it's time to start chopping off bits - I wouldn't fiddle about trying to take out small patches of rot - chop whole cola or buds that are infected (also be aware that if one plant gets it and you then handle the other plant the chances are you will transfer spores between them and contaminate the other.

So from that perspective taking them indoors at night will help reduce the risk of mould - but will also stink out the house with flowering weed - if that is a concern, if not (and with as you said only a couple of weeks to go) go ahead and take them indoors at night or in the rain if you cant provide a shelter for them outdoors.