OLD REVIEWS 5 auto strain/smoke reports


Personal-Use (Organic)
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
LaDiva--(DevilBerry)--(Auto) from delicious seeds

First smoke report xD bare with me 2nd auto under cfl

Strain: LaDiva (auto)(Feminised)
Growth: Id say really good plant nice and fast
Nutes: seasol only little mainlly soil had nutes
Yield: i only got 15 grams plant had cal/mag diff grown under energysavers
Bag Appeal: Beautiful colour tinge of purplehardy buds 9/10
Smell: fruity/shunk 9/10
Taste: clean fruity skunky nice 9/10
The High: Relaxing and long lasting nice high .
Comment overall mate if u wanna try something new try this strain its dam good u will love her flavor and smell


Cobra from FlashSeeds (blueberry/lebonese)

Strain: Cobra (auto)(Feminised)
Growth: Id say really good plant nice and fast under 60days from seed to harvest
Nutes: a we bit of seasol (Coirbrick/wormcastings)
Yield: i only got 15 grams plant had grown under energysavers im happy with it
Bag Appeal: 8/10
Smell: fruity/shunk 7/10
Taste: Nice taste smooth but not the best smell skunkyish 7.5/10
The High: good high make u LoL happy buzz 8/10

decent strain fast dont have to feed much nutes it grows itself

Stonedryder aka auto stoned from autofemseeds

Strain: autoStoned (auto)(Feminised)
Growth: really good plant 60days from seed to harvest
Nutes: a we bit of seasol (Coirbrick/wormcastings)
Yield: i only got 13 grams plant

Bag Appeal: 9/10
Smell: fruity/shunk 9/10
Taste: Nice taste smooth skunkyish 8.5/10
The High: good high buzz 8.5/10

very nice bud

The Muse aka LaMusa from delicious seeds

Strain: LaMusa (auto)(Feminised)
Growth: really nice plant 65days from seed to harvest
Nutes: a we bit of seasol (Coirbrick/wormcastings)
Yield: i only got 14 grams plant

Bag Appeal: 9/10
Smell: fruity/shunk slight choclate taste 9/10
Taste: Nice taste smooth skunkyish 9/10
The High: good high buzz 9/10

great strain powerfull smoke

easyryder from jointdr

Strain:easyryder (auto)(Feminised)
Growth: really nice plant 67days from seed to harvest
Nutes: a we bit of seasol (Coirbrick/wormcastings)
Yield: i only got 15 grams

Bag Appeal: 8/10
Smell: fruity/skunk indifferent smell 8/10
Taste: Nice taste smooth skunkyish 9/10
The High: good high buzz 8/10

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Nice man! Thanks for the reviews. They help the site out on google, more than anything else we do on here.
no problem i have a new strain The fruits of venus allmost done maybe 2weeks i will up that too
peace brother
Good job dude! I am getting ready to start La Diva and I am anxiously looking forward to it. I hope that she turns as purple as yours did. I just finished an ER. Check out my strain review and pics under, "Autoflowering Pics". I completely agree about the indifferent smell.
Damn nice reviews man,they all look and sound great...Im noticing that auto's are getting alot nicer now,the looks/taste and strength are all rising,which is awesome...even some of the new strains u grew turned out beautiful indeed:)
That lamusa plant/bud looks amazing...great job,
cheers mate

autos are getting way better
got some more strains coming like creamcaramel and jackblack and atm la frutti de venus
Finally found a write up on la diva :) thanks man got one germing now, looking forward to growing her out now!