Humboldt Seed Organization 420'z HSO Seed4Diary Grow :-)

seed4diary germ picz


Life Begins At 420
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
Jun 14, 2019
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Currently Smoking
The sweet taste of life :-)
chem-bomb auto & chocolate mint og auto, germ picz


ok kidz, it'z late & i'm bushed, so theze picz are all ya get for now :rofl: theze were the two new-release auto strainz from hso back in march, and well, they may not be exactly "new" still by this point, lol, but as u all know, certain lil microscopic organizmz decided to give their best shot at takin over the world around that same time & threw a wrench into the shipping gearz as a rezult & i jus rec'd em about a week ago, so... ;) anyhoo, the picz were taken right before they were planted earlier this afternoon, after soakin for 36h...they'll be livin their first month or so outside, but i'll hafta bring em inside to finish, and thus, they're in me classic 3L potz with me own homemade soil ;) as uzual, they'll also be gettin journaled in me growtrain thread, so stop in any time, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

update #1 - LIFE! :-D
choc mint og auto & chem-bomb auto, sprout picz

Ivy Day 2 (top) & Virgo Day 1 (bottom) ...into the brave new world! :yay:


yup, poor lil Virgo is sufferin from good ol' SHS (stuck helmet syndrome :doh: ), but i'm keepin her misted, so hopefully, it'll work off on itz own ;) theyll also be gettin a bit chilly at nite this weekend, with lowz around 48f :eek1: ...and in the proverbial nutshell, i'm simply not set up to bring em inside yet, so, they'll either make it...or they won't, lol :rolleyes2: (i'm pretty sure they will tho ;) ) next update in a week, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

update #2
Ivy Day 13 :smoking: (choc mint og auto)


Virgo Day 12 :smoking:(chem-bomb auto)


mmm...well, needless to say, they should this point, but... :rofl: :rolleyes2: for one, i think the soil is compacting & the lil rootz are havin trouble makin their way thru it, all becuz i didn't realize until too late that the soil didn't have enuff perlite in it :wall: but also, we've been havin some colder tempz at nite lately, like upper 40'z, so that may be at play as well, idk :shrug: i brought em inside tonite tho & that'z where they'll be now til they finish :thumbsup: ppp

Hey 420forever! Mate i am subbed in:crisps:. I never got my HSO seed but Australia mail is very slow internally and i assume internaal is very slow over 1 month to get seed from Holland. Choc Mint auto sounds very nice

Haha :paleo:lol i did the same Bro once with my soil forgot perlite:nono:, but for sure the weather, the little new babies of mine are a bit slow humidy and temps not normal for this time of year.
damn, i pretty much forgot all about this thread...oopz! :doh: ah well, it'll be one o' the shortest journalz in history anyway, as they were both an epic fail, lol :rofl: neither one made it past 2" tall, due to serious soil compaction issuez, so i pulled em both earlier this month, end of story :shrug: i'm takin a short break from growin atm, as my real-life plate has def been a full one the past month or so, including havin to lay one o' me animal family to rest on the 19th...RIP Ditto kitty :bow:...but i'll be back at it soon enuff, so stay choo-choo tuned! :headbang: ppp
:rofl: reminds me of my smallest plant 2inches of pure cbd, massive :haha: if i was an ant 0.21gram dry of bud. That sucks but been there myself Bro :( stunted grows before, maybe it was soil compacton also or my fault. Nice, no break for me though:d5::yay:Enjoy your micro break 420. Very sad about Kitty, We had a cat, Tommy, i got him and his mumma from the wild up at Grandmas house - he died on my bed 2001 12th June, after a short illness he was 20.5 years old - a tabby x