planted 8 regs(last week I think) far only 4 have sprouted(my luck)...but I'm praying to the canna gods, that I can at least get 2 females, and a male out of the 4 that have already sprouted... I'm going to try to get a couple seeds out of this, just for the practice... I planted in 1 gallon Hawaiian punch bottles, 4/1 per/verm.... I got em under one of the mars 300(125) watt led....I plan on bending the shit out of em and tieing em down... I have grown autos twice before and they seem to become stunted early for some long as I can get past the first couple weeks without probs I know I can do great.... I will post pics when there is something worth connecting usb cables up for... flash Russian fuel supposed to be 60-70 days... any help, suggestions, or advice is appreciated... especially from hempy growers...