Indoor 3 versus 5 gallon grow

Sep 22, 2013
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7 weeks ago I started my current grow of 6 vast and fast. 5 are in 3 gallon pales and one is in a five gallon pale. 3 of those are about 3 to 5 1/2 shorter, 2 are the tallest and the 5 gallon one is the 3rd tallest but only by a mere inch or so, so that inch can be disregarded, and looks just like the other 2 of similar height. not anymore bushier then any of them and doesn't look at this point to be going to produce any more or less then the other 5. in a few weeks I'll post a few pics with the 2 of similar size but I'll prop the other 2 up to make up for the 5 gallon height. other then size and bushyness a final weight will be made at harvest.
Interesting, time will tell. Maybe the shorties are just gathering strength for the final run.
Time will tell.
Good luck byddy
I will be posting pics this weekend, but I need to say. the 5 gallon in not the tallest of the 6, however, the buds on her ( the 5 gallon) look so much bigger. I have had about 5-6 people look at all 6 and the 5 gallon one is bigger buds. I will post 3 pics of the 3 best of the 6 and you all can decide. it may be just a fluke but I would like for someone else to give it a go with one.
thanks AFN for the heads up about the change. no pics sorry. again thanks AFN. anyways there was little to no dif between the 5 and 3. if anything the 5 was about an inch smaller and produced about the same as the 3s. I am not gonna argue about a few grams eather way so all I will say is I avareged 2.25. nuff said.