
Sep 15, 2014
Reaction score
Hi there i have been away for ages vegetating and flowering also i suppose and eh well i got this plant and it had 3 male flowers at the very bottom of the main stem and nowhere else the rest was 100% female. The plant is a Vertigo from paradise seeds and the one thats been fertalised and produced like 5 seeds is an auto whiteberry from paradise seeds aswell. I have just germinated one of them and currently has a tiny root sticking out the seed. Im really excited about growing this, it's not the first seed i produced but its the first one i had a chance to actualy grow into a full plant! Should i expect anything different from this auto hybrid? I know i should probobly keep an eye out for male flowers even though its a hybrid of 2 femmed seeds it should be more likely to herm since the "father" already produced those balls? TBH im kinda wishing that this is some trait that can be passed down to the seedlings....would be so cool to have my own little phenotype that had this behaviour and get free seeds but at the same time the bud not infested with em ,sounds like a win/win and i do know there is a strain available that they warn you about 80% of them will produce a male flower/seed at the very base of the main stem. Hmm.