New Grower 2k19 mephisto grow


CaViar BudZ
Jan 16, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Lavender kush and dankies og
Hey guys so im starting a new grow it is my first time for auto flowers but ihave had experience with photo before. In this grow i am in a 2x4x5 tent. For lights i have 1 600w viparspectra and 1 1200w aglex cob led. As far as seeds i am growing 3 this run. 1 (mephisto X White Chem) and 2 (mephisto X Forum Stomper). For medium i amd using FF ocean forest mixed with 30% perlite. All 3 plants are planted in 5 gallon buckets and i fill then up 80% of the way with the fox farm/perlite mix and fill the other 20% with seedling soil. I did this as a safety barrier since FF has been know to run a little hot on baby seedlings. So unfortuanantley i didnt think to start this journal until 11 days into the grow but a little background on the time frame. Seeds were germed in a cup of water on 1/21/19 then at 12am on 1/23/19 i planted the seed about a half a inch into the soil then covered lightly. By 1/25/19 they have popped through the soil and we are on our way. Since i went with FF soil i probably wont use nutes until week 3-4 depending on what the plant is trying to communicate to me. When the time comes though i have brought the FF trio of nutrients and will be using those along with real growers recharge that i am waiting for in the mail. For now i am giving them tap water Ph’d to 5.8 so to catch you guys up i will be posting all the pics of the setup and of whats been going on the last 11 days since they popped above soil. Guys i would love your input on anything that you see or on anything that you think i could be doing better im always open to constructive criticizm and new ideas. At the same time ive had a few runs before so im good at avoiding mistakes for the most part but im really excited to start my first auto grow and see if i will be making the switch to them for good. Any questions please do ask im more than willing to answer the best i can. Other than that you guys enjoy the show and hopefully we can learn something together while smoking on a fatty :pass::yeahthat:


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Oh yea i also have 2 plants in the back one in solo cip and one in a cut 2 liter bottle. I got them out of some fire og that i got from my dispensary so we will see how they turn out as well. But yea heres the rest of the pics for what we have so far leading up to day 12. I plan to do a weekly update


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looking good and off to a good start :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit
Hey guys, i am now at the two week mark (2wks,3days) to be exact lol. Things are going great still no need for nutes using my FFOF soil topped with seedling soil. There are only two things that have changed so far i added a few smart sockets from amazon for $10 each. They are absolutely amazing. I have the lights on 20/4. I can turn them off completely from anywhere as long as i have access to my phone or i can even download the app somewhere else and login if need be. It even has setting to turn off and own the socket on your predetermined schedule. One more smart socket lets me control intake and i have one for exhaust fan as well. This will allow me to control tempature based on conditions in the grow room from anywhere. Lastly i put my zmodo security cam in the grow room giving me a live feed at all times to see plant conditions and temperature and humidity so i can adjust accordingly remotely. Other than that we are seeing explosive growth from all plants om week three. I love how they are staying so short and stocky the internodes are forming nicely and i havent even started training. The last thing for this update i changed light height from 29” to 19” yesterday and from what i can see the girls are loving it. Enjoy the pics see you guys next week !


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Sorry guys im not sure why some of the pics uploaded sideways.:shrug:
Sorry guys im not sure why some of the pics uploaded sideways.:shrug:
Okay so we are at day 21 the plants are still thriving off of the FFOF soil and water Ph’d to 5.9. Still waiting for slight signs from the plant telling me to start on a light dose of nutes. These are my first autos but from what i researched usually week 3 or 4 the plants start to pre flower. I also started LST on all of the autos the responded beautifully. The foliage that wasnt getting light is now growing up and out towards the. Light while the plants are staying short with a even canopy. The two photo plants in the back responded really well to the toppng they recovered in a day. Ill post pics below hopefully next week i get to come back and tell you im seeing early stages of pre-flower. Oh yea any info or tips you may have shoot them over im all ears and open to different input.


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Okay guys so its day 30 and all plants have entered there pre-flower stage. I did experience a little nute lockout i believe from using water ph’d at 5.8-6.0 so i recently watered with water ph’d to 6.4-6.6. It also looked to be cal mag def. so i added a full suggested serving of cal/mag in my last watering. The next water will be the first time i introduce nutes to the babies. I will start at 1/8 just to be careful and build my way up to about half strength maybe a little more than half strength. Other than that these mephisto seeds are some real growers i have seen a considerable amount of growth in very short time. The white chem seems to be the fastest to flower it has multiple preflower sites all over and is staying very tightly internoded. The forum stompers are doing good as well they are the two that took most of the damage from the def. but they are stoll growing like crazy. Im pretty sure with the nutes added in on next feed we should see some real good growth and more formation of budsites. Ive included pics of the overall growth and the def problems i ran into but this is them around day 30


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Hey guys i finally got my ph under control im not sure if it was the fox farms soil or me with my water ph but i got a good ph pen and a did a heavy watering i wouldnt call it a flush. On the next watering after that i fed them their first round of nutrients. I used the fox farm grow big and the big bloom at half strength with a full dose of cal mag and alp the plants took it very well no nute burn on any of them. So iguess i will be doing one straight ph water then one nute feed water every 3 days or so. Since im in week five day 36 ive been wondering should i run the veg nutes a few more times and then start flowering of should i do the trio all at once ? I am going to do more research but i definitely am open to peoples opinions and advice. I did order a bigger 4x4 tent that should arrive tomorrow so ill take a few shots of the new setup asap. Ive also been doing lst which these babies have handled amazing all of the plants have bud sites popping up all over and things are about to start taking all since we are almost at the halfway mark. So far the white chem from mephisto genetics has been the earliest bloomer. She has a nice short structure with bud sites that are looking really promising. I dont want to say that the forum stomper from mephisto isnt going to be just as great when it gets to that stage i just think is on the slower end when it comes to flower and thats okay well here goes pics from over the last week hope you guys enjoy


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