Indoor 26 Watt Secret Jardin Dinafem Cheese Grow

May 31, 2015
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hello fellow growers. still relatively new to growing and my previous and ongoing grow are outdoors. I started them under a 26 watt secret jardin vegging LED and then popped em outside (see link in my sig) HOWEVER I ended up splitting some Dinafem Cheese seeds with a friend and I thought I'd have a crack at a bit of indoor with my little 26w light. bit of fun, see how far I got etc.... So from a very inauspicious start (i bought peat jiffy plugs as opposed to non peat and they looked like shit for a long time) I've got to a point exactly 3 weeks in where I think they're doing alright.... In fact it looks to me like theyre doing better than my outdoor grow.... For ref, they are growing in Mills soil and they've just had their first Biobizzing (2ml to the L) - I'll raise it as they get a bit bigger. Please drop a comment in if you see anything untoward as it's my first indoor grow and of course I'm mustard keen to get it right. Thanks for stopping by!

bananarama.jpg3 cheese.jpg profile cheese.jpg leaf cheese.jpg
There really looking great under that small light.
hey Namvet - cheers buddy! i'll be totally honest, I only got the vegging light to bring them through before popping them outside but i've got 6 plants outdoors already and was a bit worried to put another three out there. nosy neighbours etc. BUT the plants under the light started really going for it - much more so than my outdoor grow so i invested in the bloom light and i haven't looked back. the guy in the growstore said that he knew of people who were going all the way with these two little lights so i thought i'd give it a go and log the results here. got to say they're turning into little lovely green monsters!

Thanks for stopping by. cheers! KP
ay up - those ladies are going well. they're 59 days now. trimmed off a load of low down branches today. rubbing the leaves between my fingers, i'm getting a real putrid meat kind of smell. lovely huh? anyway, here's the snaps.....
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Howdy Kp; got your conversation and will reply enthusiastically to that after this, (now that ive had a small pipe of hash:hippy:)
I don't know why but I never got around to checking out both your London back garden log and your secret jardin log; I don't know how that happened,
I must be a stoner or something:baked:

anyway looking great man; healthy!

very well done to you. I think that deserves some rep.

now I will reply to your mail.:cools:
Howdy Kp; got your conversation and will reply enthusiastically to that after this, (now that ive had a small pipe of hash:hippy:)
I don't know why but I never got around to checking out both your London back garden log and your secret jardin log; I don't know how that happened,
I must be a stoner or something:baked:

anyway looking great man; healthy!

very well done to you. I think that deserves some rep.

now I will reply to your mail.:cools:
what a gent! thank you Oldbie. :vibe::vibe::vibe: