Harvest & Curing 2 Northern Lights and their differences...Are they ready?

May 2, 2017
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This is my first grow since 30 years ago! Gave it a go with 3 AF's to start. 2 Northern Lights and 1 White Widow all from 00 Seeds. Growing in a locally obtained pro-mix soil with no nutes pre-added to the soil, just some rooting enzymes. I have used Dyna-Gro nutes - Foliage Pro and Bloom along with Humbolts Secret Plant Enzymes and blackstrap molasses.

Originally started with my well water that tests at 850 ppm ph7.2. About week 6 I started collecting some of the best rain water in the US - the precip her gets picked up over Lake Superior so it's gotta be about as pure as it gets. The rain water tests at zero ppm and ph7.5.

Started foliage-pro at end of week 2 at 1/4 strength of what is listed on bottle. Stepped it up to 1/2 strength end of week 4. About that time I started with the enzymes and molasses too. As soon as I saw flowering I lowered the foliage-pro to 1/4 strength again and added bloom nutes at 1/4 strength. Of course ph'ing the rainwater all along. 10% runoff each watering consistently checked in at 6.5 ish. I ONLY watered when I felt the plants needed it, not on a rigid schedule. I stuck with the old mantra that less is better when dealing with watering frequency. After adding nutes and molasses to each gallon of rainwater the ppm's tested at about 160.

I started with two 300w LED lights and then at week 8 added a third in this grow. I now have four 300w LED lights to use on the next grow. More plants!! I modified the fans on the lights to quiet them down. I unhooked one of the two fans on each light. I then wired the working fan on each light to it's own 5vdc power supply. The fans still moved more than enough air to keep all the lights just as cool as with all the fans hooked up. And the quiet was awesome! This had to all be done very very stealthy.

Ran lights 24-on until I was well into flowering then switched to 18-6 just for the hell of it.

Temps run mid canopy 80F-lights on and 68F-lights off. Humidity at this stage is a very steady 45%.

I did no plant training other than very very light LST - basically repositioning and tucking leaves and spreading the branches out, but no tying down.

The leafy looking NL in the pics poked out of the ground (I planted seed directly into final pots to geminate there) about 6 hours before the less leafy NL. The leafy NL always seemed to be ahead by 4-5 days.

Here's where I'm at right now.....End of week 12. Lights 18-6. Started ph water only flush 10 days ago in anticipation of harvesting very very soon. However when looking at the trichs with my 60X loupe I am not seeing a single amber trich yet. There does seem to be some clouding up, maybe. The leafy NL continues to hold onto it sugar leaves where as the other has lost them. The leafless NL has developed some seriously solid looking buds. There are no white hairs sticking up and haven't been for a week. Most hairs have turned orange by now. OTOH the leafy NL seems to have less solid buds and a totally different smell.

Is it possible that I will not see amber trichs? Should I harvest now?

Why did one lose sugar leaves but not the other? The 4-5 day behind NL is the one that lost the sugar leaves.

If you look at the pics the main cola is missing on both plants and a side branch off each. A guys gotta smoke you know!! lol. I did that chopping 10 days ago. I chose the main colas as they were too close to my lights and I am out of head space....maybe a stupid decision but I thought what the hell's the difference, as I would have been OK to have to harvest them all right then. I have decided to just chop as needed until I feel it is time to harvest all. They both provide a pretty incredible high even when not cured completely. I have so far taken 3/4 oz total (dried) from the 2 plants.

So what do you all think about the trichs changing color and the sugar leaves deal?

Any WAG's as to net weight from each plant?

Tell me what you think. Please!

Thank you! peace










Looks like time to chop to me...Hardly any green leaves left for photosynthesis or for cellular respiration. If the plant has stopped uptaking water or it's slowed dramatically I would cut for sure.
Thank you for the reply, 509Blazer. Appreciated!

The non-leafy NL is still taking a gallon every 3 days. Which is almost the same rate as the last several weeks. Yes, growth has slowed dramatically. I will take your advice and harvest the non-leafy one today or tmrw. Do you think that the leafy NL on the left in the pictures is ready to harvest also? I am just now today able to find any amber trich's on the non-leafy NL - less than 2%- and no amber trichs on the leafy NL.

So, I'll harvest the non-leafy NL. Thanks for the advice! Please let me know what you think on the other one. Thank you!

Looks like time to chop to me...Hardly any green leaves left for photosynthesis or for cellular respiration. If the plant has stopped uptaking water or it's slowed dramatically I would cut for sure.
The leaves are pretty spent looking, but if the plant is still drinking good I might be tempted to reassess the situation in a couple days...I have let buds go too long before waiting for amber, so I have taken some online advice and now look at four things: 1) Receded brown pistols...no new groups of white pistols bursting forth 2) Mostly cloudy trichs with a few amber (this depends on how you like your smoke) 3) Decline in water uptake 4) General condition of buds and bud leaves...when bud leaves get dry and brittle they can impart a bad taste to the buds and are hard to manicure. I weigh each of these factors and simply make a judgement call of when I sense the plant is degrading....hope that helps...typically I end up going 10 days over the seed co recommendations it seems :)

P.S. Some varieties of autos don't seem to show amber until the bud is unacceptably degraded...that's why I started looking at multiple factors....I am still learning myself and am somewhat new to autos...