New Grower 2 300w mars hydro early miss 5x5 tent. Advice?!?

Feb 12, 2016
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Im starting my grow here in a week and i have 2 mars hydro 300w LED lights and im trying to go for 5 Early miss autos from crop king seeds im just looking for any tips or advice. My experiance is only with photosensitive plants and hps. Every thing and anything helps! i will be posting updates on my grow and after this crop im going to add a 600w LED to the tent.
The biggest piece of advice I can give you is KISS. Keep it simple stoner. In most cases less really is more with autos. Although you can (and should in my opinion), they do not require training to get great results. Some guys here do not touch a single leaf, and still are able to pull ounces of a single plant. Just today I saw something in a fellers signature, that really stood out to me, and it makes total sense. "Every day counts in an autos life" This statement is so true. We cant just veg it another week if we make an opps like with photos. But just as with photos, nurture it, show her love, and she will return that favor 4 fold.

Oh and welcome to AFN, there is tons of info here. Try reading some of the other new grower threads. You will find lots of solid advice already given to others. Have fun, and take care.:smoking:
what do you need to know? I can throw this out. during veg keep the lights ay 18-24inch away from the plants.bloom drop them to12-18 inch if you can. and do not feed full strength nute. start at 1/4 strength and work up till the plants tell you to Autos are pretty easy if you just take it easy. and with LED's at least for me, your temps could be higher than the norm. I like to keep mine at 78-84f. and as Fuggzy said. K.I.S.S
what do you need to know? I can throw this out. during veg keep the lights ay 18-24inch away from the plants.bloom drop them to12-18 inch if you can. and do not feed full strength nute. start at 1/4 strength and work up till the plants tell you to Autos are pretty easy if you just take it easy. and with LED's at least for me, your temps could be higher than the norm. I like to keep mine at 78-84f. and as Fuggzy said. K.I.S.S

Solid advice. My girls seem to thrive under led between 80-85F.

HPS to LED tip : Have cal/Mag suplliments on hand. Preferably something with a 0-0-0 NPK value

A-Train here turned me on to General Organics Cal/Mag and no issues so far. LEDs tend to rob calcium, and this stuff is great due to it not having higher N values that will mess with my base nutrients.
The biggest piece of advice I can give you is KISS. Keep it simple stoner. In most cases less really is more with autos. Although you can (and should in my opinion), they do not require training to get great results. Some guys here do not touch a single leaf, and still are able to pull ounces of a single plant. Just today I saw something in a fellers signature, that really stood out to me, and it makes total sense. "Every day counts in an autos life" This statement is so true. We cant just veg it another week if we make an opps like with photos. But just as with photos, nurture it, show her love, and she will return that favor 4 fold.

Oh and welcome to AFN, there is tons of info here. Try reading some of the other new grower threads. You will find lots of solid advice already given to others. Have fun, and take care.:smoking:
KISS Is by far the best advice, overthinking leads to overacting which leads to adverse reacting ;-)
It that true wattage or are the lights putting out 150W apiece? If there only 150 apiece I would put 2 more lights in there instead of 1 600 "300" actual as it will have better coverage. 1 150W light per 2.5 foot space should be pretty good. If it was me I would either get a smaller tent or higher powered lights though. I like to over power my grow space but it gives better density for me. I would be running 4 500W lights in there 4, 250W actual wattage lights or step down to a 3.5x3.5 tent with 4 of your lights.
Solid advice. My girls seem to thrive under led between 80-85F.

A-Train here turned me on to General Organics Cal/Mag and no issues so far. LEDs tend to rob calcium, and this stuff is great due to it not having higher N values that will mess with my base nutrients.

I have started using the GE cal/mag for this same reason a few years ago and think it's great stuff. I no longer use cal/mag but still keep it so if I need it.