ok, Hope I got some attention. To make it short, grown quite a few autos outside over the years(Nirvanas Og Kush, W.W., Jock). Usually 3 grows a year(sorry I live in Florida, could do 4). Anyway 2 deputies moved next door, husband & wife). My wifey says no more outside, inside only. So I buy a Mars Hydro II 400 LED and matching tent(27 x 27 x 60 inches). Plan on doing 2 plants at a time given the space. Outside I always used OF and the trio lineup with good results. Using those this time because mainly because that's what I have on hand and what I have learned to 'read'. So my big question is, what caveats and tips can anyone provide moving from o/s to i/s? I feel like basically I'm keeping most everything the same except replacing natural sun with LED. BTW, new seeds germing are Mephistos Heisenberg(1) and Alien x Triangle(1). Sorry, now that I look up, not so short a thread. Thks to All