
Mar 24, 2016
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How's it's going everyone this is my first auto grow well first grow period. It's week 2 and the plants are growing just encountered a few roadblocks:
•Spotted white specks on my leaves not sure if it's thrips or powdery mildew. (Treated it as powdery mildew seems to be clearing up)
•Torn a hole in my leaf trying to treat it.
•Noticed yellowing on one of my leaves.



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Need more info...soil, lighting, feed, humidity, temps...the more info the better.
yes please add how close your light is to the plant
Coco Coir is being used
I'm using CFL's
Humidity is always between 36 - 50 (i try to keep it below 50)
Temp ranges anywhere from 70 - 75
Feed them twice with fox farm nutrients (Big Bloom) twice before flushing them because I noticed deficiencies.
Lights are about 4- 5 inches away from tops


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Coco Coir is being used
I'm using CFL's
Humidity is always between 36 - 50 (i try to keep it below 50)
Temp ranges anywhere from 70 - 75
Feed them twice with fox farm nutrients (Big Bloom) twice before flushing them because I noticed deficiencies.
Lights are about 4- 5 inches away from tops
big bloom this early? isn't that a flower nutrient?
You should be using a veg nute higher in nitrogen.Right now it looks like over feeding so hold off for awhile.If your using chemical nutes don't forget to ph your water.
If your ph is off it will lockout any nutrients from getting to your plant. I have done everything wrong and had all kings of deficiencies just have to learn to read your plants they will 9 out of 10 times tell you what's wrong. She doesn't look like eminent death as namvet25 suggested stop the flower nutrients and give her a bit of nitrogen (a cup of urine per gallon will fix most nitrogen deficiency). Keep us posted good luck
Los, using coco coir is a very different medium than true soil and soilless mediums like Promix! If you treat coco like soil, you will have nothing but problems- :doh:...In many ways, it's more like hydro... read up here, online, and any books on how to grow in coco,.. there are no nute's in there now, so mild veg. nute's should be started, along with Ca-Mg; one odd thing about coco, you should never use just water alone, there should be mild Ca-Mg in there at least; dedicated coco type nute's are best, otherwise, you're custom mixing things... you'll see when you research Cation Exchange Capacity in coco, there's just too much to explain about it here... Big Bloom is not really much of a fertilizer, it's so mild-- N-P-K values are in the decimals! I treat it like a supplement... She's looking hungry, so feed her grow nute's at 1/4 strength dilution, ditto for Ca-Mg,... You got some research to do mate, coco has a lot of positives, but you need to know what you're doing, or it'll be a flop! :goodluck:
Day one I rinse the coco until the runoff is clean. I then fill a pot and plant the bean directly in the coco.

Approximately 4 days later I have a sprout. I keep the coco moist but not wet for the next 7 to 10 days with nothing but ph'ed water.

At 10 to 12 days I start very light feedings with compost tea. I continue this until the plant shows sex.

Once it shows sex I begin my feeding regiment with veg nutrients for the next 3 to 4 weeks. By then I can pretty much go by the nutrient companies feeding schedule from there.
It's now week 6 and I've noticed that my leave are dark green with light green veins, the growth has stunted, and it's showing retarded growth. I'm not sure what the problem is because my other plant is growing just fine. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


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