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Captain Howdy

A Lost Soul
Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
Howdy folks,

Been a constant reader here on AFN for quite a while now getting hints and tips from everyones old posts helping me through my two official first grows, my prototypes as I've come to know them.

Anyways, #2 is days away from a date with my harvesting scissors and so before I order my next batch of beans I thought it was about time I introduced myself and said hello and prepare for a diary of my own.

And so, with my cap tipped and us well-met, I'll meet you on the other side.

Peace out folks :smokeit:
Welcome to AfN Rival! :smokebuds:
welcome to AFN RF. this is a great site to learn from and get help throughout your whole grow. Personally I would highly recommend getting your self some Dutch Passion Think Different's. There is a lot of other who would say the same and grow it that is if you are planning on auto's. But why grow photo's when you can grow an auto with the same yield right? Hope we can get some pictures of your current grow and see what it is all about. Good luck with your adventure on AFN If you have doubts about the yield you can achieve with TD check out Seymour buds grow forum and video on you tube.
well... i say well met, it would probably help if i introduced myself properly, lol.

I'm a full-time smoker, have been for 13 years now..... and I'm only 26 so thats not greta really lol.
Originally I was a smoker purely to get high but over the past few years have started to recognise it for the medicine it is and I'm finally starting to stop abusing it in the way that i was previously.
Although i still do smoke for pleasure I take notice in what I'm smoking ie: sativas during the day and indicas for my insomnia and because of this I finally have the incentive to break away from buying off the street. Still having to occasionally, far too much still to be honest but as I'm only at the beginning of whats already become an obsession its something that cant be helped for now however, thats all about to change.

My first few plants are rather a sore subject as i had 7 auto seeds from Pyramid, a Wembley, Osiris, Galaxy, Tutankhamon, Shark, Super hash and Neffertiti and 3 Pineapple express seeds from Barneys, all were growing fantastically until a, without sounding rude, bitch of an ex-girlfriend decided to destroy every single one while i was out one day..... that was the last day I saw her.

But anyways, time is a wheel and things move on so what shall be classed as my first grow consisted of 3 Automatic Critical Mass from Big buddha seeds grown under three 30w household energy saver bulbs, LST'd to buggery which produced an awesome first attempt even conopy but suffered slightly from a potassium difficency towards the end of flowering. Unfortunately i dont own a pair of scales so i can't give an exact final weight but i pulled in a couple of grams either side of an ounce with each plant. No less than 22/23 grams on the smaller one and possibly touching 28/29 grams on the larger one. all in all a damn fine effort for experiment number 1.

Number 2, which is whats finishing now, currently on day 65 but hoping to let them carry on for another week or so while I order new seeds, consists of the final 2 Critical Mass seeds from my original pack of 5 and a Lennon from pyramid seeds which somehow never got planted in the 'Grow that sharnt be named'.
Once again i shall get an oz from each critical, this time with very little training except a quick tie-down in week 2, tbh other than that this has been an experiment to see what happens when left to their own devices..... the only thing suffered by this was an uncontrollable stretching during flower. The Lennon plant has pulled close to 18/20 grams.... possibly closer to the 18 mark I'd say.

Btw, all these plant have been fed nothing but rainwater adding only woodash (from my fire) and fish blood and bone mix when i noticed the difficiency in the first grow, apart from that they have been fed on nothing but good ol H20.

Not sure this is the place to ask but i'll put it here and then have a search opn the forums and post it there as well but as I say I'm looking to purchase a selection of new seeds so if anyone has any recommendations they'd like to share please holler in this direction, any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hopefully now i can claim to be slightly more well-met.

Long days and pleasant nights
Pleasure to meet you folks,

Yeah Think Differents high on my list, I've been watching that since late last year, really wanna try some but I'm holding out until I upgrade this uber ghetto set-up and purchase a real CFL grow light, I feel I'd be wasting some perfectly good beans putting them under my supermarket bought energy savers. Don't get me wrong, I've been blown away by what they can achieve but i know its nothing compared to what'll happen when I stick a 125w or even a 250w CFL in the with them.

AutoXtreme has recently caught my eye as well if you've had any experience??
not with the xtremes but they will be with my next order of cheese auto, auto xtreme, and blueberry auto and will also try GDP the original. Also the BlimBurn auto ak seems to be a nice strain so far is the largest out of all my auto's but I also just went to week 4 day 3 so only been flowering for a couple days. Check em out if you like the link is my signature to my journal....
Totally syked to test any of the autos from Dutch Passion tbh, just haven't got round to ordering any yet.

Here's my problem, I'm growing purely autos for my own pleasure and medicinal needs, i also have a friend with a very similar need for regular meds but he unfortunately has no-where to grow so I've designated him some space in my garden. we have decided to pull our resources and try to mix things up a bit but here where our problem starts..... He's a monster for Hazes... Super silver haze to be precise, I on the other hand have quite the soft spot for my old friend, Kush and find hazes too easy to smoke and dont get the required hit I'm after, I'm sat here typing this smoking some damn tasty sour grapefuity lemon haze and its fantastic but I've nailed 4grams since last night and thats a wee bit too much, I can't grow enough plants to support that sort of smoke.

So, if anyone can help us decided on an auto haze for him and an auto kush for me we'll be able to choose the others in a couple of days, just need to get these important ones out the way lol, looking for the strongest (obviously) strains we can find. Both casual smokers and chronic insomniacs.

Any ideas??

Unfortunately I'm without a camera for a couple of days and my porn collection has been emptied but here is the most current shot of a bud tip (I don't have a magnifying glass to see the trichs so I've been taking a picture and then zooming in and cropping the image).... not an exact science but works none the less.
As soon as I'm able I'll take some shots of the final product as she'll be down by then.

Peace out folks

Ah, here we go.
These are all i have but they were taking about a week or two into her flowering cycle.
As i say, i let her run wild so the stretchings a bit over the top but tbh she was a beast to begin with, dubbed by those who knew her as 'Monstrosity' lol. In week 3 of veg just before preflowers she was sending fan leaves out as large as my hand. A pleasure to watch grow.