
  1. M

    Spots/Unsure whats happening.. Week 4

    hello!! im having an issue with my autoflower.. this is my first time growing. i thought it had leaf septoria on the lower leaves so i cut them, so i treated it with some SB Invigarator spray. Now these dots have appeared, at first it was kinda white/water looking marks and now theyre turning...
  2. sheria

    Plant of a friend - deficiency?

    Hi :) This is a auto plant of my friend. He's growing Hydro. He had last grown weed 2 decades ago, photos. He sent me some pics and his leaves don't look that healthy to me. What do you think? Temperature: 24C, 75,2F RH: 60% Medium: hydroponic Npk 6,7 / 7,0 / 10,5 EC 2,2 Water: rain water, pH...
  3. C

    Bruce banner General questions

    Hello! This is my third post about this particular plant, my first grow. Bruce banner auto from rocket seeds, in a 5 gal. Fabric with FFOF. shes been on a steady crash course and nothing is helping her, I’m not quite sure what’s wrong. The middle leaves are starting to go very pale with purple...
  4. GreenBasterd

    Poor Little Yellow Seedlings - Innocent Victims of Me...

    Problem: Yellow/light green leaves. Medium/grow method: Sprouted rapid rooters. Transplated in Mother Earth 70/30 coco/perlite mix as soon as the taproot left the rapid rooter. Feed and supplements used: Used 1/8 strength Botanicare Pure Blend Grow 3-2-4 to precharge each planting pot with 2L...
  5. Skycable

    What could this be?

    Problem: Yellow/green spots on the leaves. Matt green areas under the leaves. Taco leaves. Medium/grow method: 70% soil, 30% coco, some perlite. 5liter pot. Been feeding organically, with every watering I gave small amounts of nitrogen, after pre flowers appeared I gave it some diluted banana...
  6. Closetflowers

    Seedling worries

    Problem: Light green to yellow color started around day 14. New leaves forming but growth seems very slow and yellow color of one seedling specifically seems worse. Seedling #2 was second to sprout and main concern. Medium/grow method:organic soil, coco coir, perlite 60%/20%/20% Feed: and...
  7. jeff wright

    Yellowing of seedlings in promix hp

    I do have another thread open about nutrient burn from vermifire soil being extremely hot. However in promix which has no added nutrient I now have yellowing and what looks like burning on some seedlings. They seem to be growing very slow in comparison to other of the same strain. I was told to...
  8. Mugen

    Yellow Tips on Newer Leaves and general Yellowing of older leaves. (Day 50)

    Hey Forum I'm a rookie grower and got no idea what's happening here, how severe it is, or what to do to help these ladies a little. Any input is much appreciated. As far as equipment goes I have one MarsHydro 96 LED ( about 25cm(~10") away from tops, plants have stopped...
  9. 509Blazer

    Harvest & Curing Yellow margins on calyx

    I have a Sativa dominant "massive midget" auto going and have having trouble telling when to harvest. The plant is no midget, and instead of harvesting in 8 weeks, as Heavyweight seeds suggested, it is currently on day 89. If I harvested today, I figure I would get at least 4 oz dry and this...