
  1. Minime2020

    How to yeild and good yeild?

    Hi just a quick question, How to get large buds, my first grow has 2weeks left on one plant and 3-4weeks on the other, I use bluple lights and have a small 40*40*120cm tent, I use 3gallon fab pots, Coco coir, Canna nuits target of EC 1.6 and pH 5.8-6.0 But my question is how to get large buds...
  2. N

    Live Stoners Outdoor autoflowers newbie

    Hey new to the site and growing was planning on growing some 6 shooters (crystal meth/Columbia air lines) autoflowers outside, will probably germinate in early June. I will be getting 14-15 hours of sunlight for my season, beginning in June and in August the sun light will obviously become...
  3. EvilScotsman

    New Grower grams per watt LED

    Right troops, i have a question. in general the idea is to aim for a gram per watt with hps. im using 2x600w LED (2x 250true watt) in a 1mx1xm tent and growing 2x dp auto ultimate. now, when using a 250 true watt LED advertised as 600w as its a replacement for 600w hps. should i expect around...
  4. DragonBlood

    New Grower Autos Under 80days, w/ bug yield.

    Hey guys totally new to the autoflowering just figured that I'm more of a auto guy than photo. Now, I want to grow about 4 strains at once in my basement closet, looking on the vault and attitude for some decent smoke that yeilds nice 40gs or better. So far on my list to start with is, Mk Ultra...
  5. A

    Harvest & Curing Auto Northern Lights (RQS) How long left?

    Hey guys, how long left and guess yeild? Thanks!