
  1. C

    Possibly over watered bruce banner??

    9 week mark of Bruce banner auto from rocket seeds. no bud formation noticed yet, idk if that’s normal for this plant or not. Growing in FFOF only recently started using some 2-8-4 1/2 strength in tap. Also started using some light cal mag. I think my soil runoff is slightly alkaline, I can get...
  2. Luketheduke

    Any ideas?

    I havent had any issues with this batch until now. All the other seeds were germed and planted the same method and are all doing fine. Whats going on with this one?
  3. mr plantas

    Lemon OG Haze - Wrinkly Leaves & Light Blotchy Discoloration

    https://www.autoflower.org/threads/first-grow-blue-mystic-lemon-og-haze-af-t5s-fox-farm-of-apollo-tent-l-williamsi-seedlings.60600/ Above is my grow journal in case you need any details of the grow. This past saturday I hung up my Viparspectra 600w Veg/Bloom LED. Initially hung it too close...