watering schedule

  1. B

    First grower: Watering auto after end of week 2?

    Hello, Forum! Very first time grower here with a very first post and quesrion. I have been reading forums and watching videos for the past month almost constantly to educate myself. However, I am a bit confused how to proceed next. For watering I use bottled water, stabilized at pH 7 (+/- 0.5)...
  2. L

    Clarifying different watering “protocols”

    First-timer here. I have been reading everything I can find but I’m still perplexed. I have ILGM plants 15 days above ground in 5gal fabric pots, Kellogg organic potting soil (30% perlite, too), HLG 600Rspec at 24” and minimum brightness; humidity ~65%, temps ~74. I had been slowly increasing...
  3. T

    Autoflower watering

    Hi everyone, that's my first grow ever and after a lot of research I still have questions and propably future issues with watering are coming up as propably I over watered as one of my 4 plants had droopy leaves this morning but looks better now..the rest of the plants look healthy even though...
  4. B

    Watering schedule

    Hello folks I found this watering schedule online I’m using an organic amended soil, would this be a good watering schedule? She’s about a week old now, so I’d say early vegetative still. I’m using the 5 gallon smart pots but with only 4 gallons of soil in each (underestimated how far the soil...
  5. T

    Should i pot up during mid flower duento drying out daily

    Just a quick bit of advice please all. I've got my 2 emergency outdoor autos and they're looking ok so far and about 4 weeks or so into flower. The problem is I only left them is smaller spots smaller pots for stealth but then larger one is needing feeding every day. Is it too late to...
  6. Newtoautogrow

    Live Stoners Feed every water

    Sup people... So I'm currently coming up to the end of week 4 with my autos (mobydick xxl) and was wondering if I should feed every water I'm using the remo supercharged kit and already done 2 feeds with watering in between and they seem to be doing okay just curious to should I water every...
  7. Newtoautogrow

    How much water to give autos

    Sup people my plants are about 2 weeks old in 20 liter pots... Currently I'm watering a small bit every day.... But I'm not sure if that's the best way ... So my question is how much water should I be giving and how often?
  8. puffy

    Grow Mediums Best easy auto watering system for two trays

    So, not quite sure where to put this thread, but since the heading said "irrigation" I'll put it here. I plan to grow 18+ plants sog style in 2litre growbags in a tent. I don't want the worry and cost about setting up 18+ separate dripfeeds, so I plan to do it somewhat different. I use a very...
  9. Slater

    Grow Mediums Watering times, frequency's, schedule etc. discussion

    Welcome to the Watering times, frequency's, schedule etc. discussion Been meaning to get this thread going for bit and open up this discussion. Try and get the information all in one place, help for the newbies and for me to get better understanding of how every one approaches this... recently...