
  1. OG-GeMann

    VPD: The Final Stages Of Life

    Lets talk about VPD in flower, Am I supposed to follow VPD when in flower. (the final 2 weeks) humidity 30-40% temps 70-75F will give me a VPD of 1.5-1.65 {leaf temps -2,-3 cooler} that would be on the high end. do I keep the temp/RH or try to follow VPD. {just in flower} what about if running...
  2. Srfr

    Lux/ppfd/DLI chart for Autos?

    Hi all, my first proper post here so lets see what kind of crowd is at AFN!? I'm growing 4 Mephisto crosses in 3 gallon fabric pots in a 2x4 tent. (I'm prettty excited about these as I got them from a breeder in Seattle who posted them to the UK) Plat OG x Zkittles Dad x Sour Orange Deisel Kush...
  3. Son of Hobbes

    Grow Room AFN Welcomes Pulse Labs!

    Hey guys we'd like to extend a very warm welcome to the folks over at Pulse Labs for coming on with us to show some performance testing done with their Pulse Nano, a 'smart grow room monitor' that logs temperature, humidity, VPD, and light and provides historical data on those numbers. That can...