
  1. Trichome farmer

    Live Stoner Chat Usefull and interesting cannabis media

    hello folks i thought this could be a spot to share anything you come across that you think your fellow grow bros and gals would find helpful or interesting across any media platforms you use i consume all my canna media from Instagram or you tube both come with their problems mainly actually...
  2. Dr. Babnik

    Fast Buds Doc is growing Green Crack

    My thread was started in the wrong FB subforum...moving my posts here. Dear all. Due to a drastic change in circumstances, Dr. Babnik is delayed. I finally got a job. However, I work at an island in the middle of the ocean and only visit home 36 hrs in the weekend. Her Ladyship has killed a...
  3. Steve Austin

    Outdoor Outdoor Video Slide Show

    @budelee Hey friend I'm trying my hand at making video. This is a little something I put together about that outdoor project I told you about.