ventilation led

  1. puffy

    Lighting Question about temperature and how high I can go in wattage

    Hi, Will in a few weeks time be starting my microgrow. Just takes a lot of time to get all the parts together with international shipping. Also I will have to travel first to get seeds, not even going to attempt the mail in Norway. Anyway, I have a question regarding heat development from LED...
  2. SpaceGod

    New Grower Ventilation - Air Ionizer, No Carbon Filter

    I have a lot of open indoor space but close neighbors. As far as ventilation goes has anyone tryed using an air ionizer that is just as effective for keeping the smell down, and the plants in a healthy environment? I don't have the necessary skills to setup a whole ventilation system, my setup...
  3. IguannaTheBannana

    New Grower Planning First Grow...NEED HELP!!

    Hello fellow stoners so i have been waiting for a long time to do this and finally the day has come to do my first indoor grow,i have done some research on the web for info but i still cant find some clear answers about the 3 basic questions i have.I will start with 3 plants(king kush,super...