too tall

  1. P

    Very tall plant and lot of small buds

    Hello this is my first grow and i think i have some problems here, i see a lot of very small bud sites and also the plant is huge. I know I should have done some LST on this plant, consider that i'm only using a 150w CFL light and a 10w light on the side. Anyway as this is my first grow i didnt...
  2. icmoon

    Photoperiod Columbian rain forest. Help required, pleeeease?

    Hi Guys. I'm completely new at growing my own & have made some silly mistakes as I shall show later on. but right now my major problem is the height of my four plants which are NOT autos, in a 2ft x 2ft x 8ft high grow tent. This is my first grow The plants from the bottom of the pots are over...