tie-down method

  1. pot_eater

    Need help with LST. How to tie down the top?

    Hello, I'm using LST I pulled the main top back to low, so the other tops grew faster. My timing is off. Is there a way to predict when growth stops? Thanks
  2. wizkulafu

    Indoor How's she doing and how to LST a Bush?

    Hi AFN, New member here, totally noob. This is my first grow. It's her 30th day from seed, wanna keep her low due to height limitation. But am I tying her down properly and how is she doing? I can't seem to reach under her bush (pun intended). Seed is from Ministry of Cannabis. Strain is Blue...
  3. CheapLatexHandle

    New Grower Amnesia Haze Auto LST

    Hi fellow AFN'ers. Long time listener, first time caller. I bought 3 amnesia haze autos from ILGM. This is my first grow. It is a single plant under a 300w galaxyhydro, in a 12" H X 12" diameter pot (its tapered, so not a true cylinder, about a 5 gal pot I think). She is the only one of the 3...