the church cbd

  1. Yozhik

    Photoperiod Yozhik grows Greenhouse Seeds The Church CBD

    Not the grow I intended to morph into, but ... needs must. So here's the tentative plan. 12 plants in Autopots. Only 10 x The Church CBD have been germinated so far; primarily due to doing 12 was a very recent decision. Coco will be the medium Nutrifield are the nutrients of choice...
  2. Yozhik

    Photoperiod Yozhik grows Greenhouse Seeds Jack Herer and The Church CBD

    OK, so this is like nothing else I have done, so it could get pretty "hairy". Things are changing around here. In fact, a LOT of change. Don't know where to start, if I'm honest. Tentatively, for this grow, the CHANGES will be; Autopot XL with Airdomes ... [up to 48 - number still to be...