
  1. OG-GeMann

    Indoor !!!GIRLS ARE SICK!!!

    thinking 2 of my girls are sick, temperature at 78-80f {26-27c} lights on, 68-70f {20-21c} lights off with a 45-50% humidity. Last time they was watered was 3 days ago, last feeding was on the 4th Formula 2: Bud/Bloom 2-4 weeks depending on light and water consumption the soil is still moist not...
  2. IceWater421

    Grow Mediums DWC Temps Inside Bucket

    Hey dudes was hoping someone could shine some light on me. I want to know how can I keep my water temps down ? Without spending 600$ on a chiller for a few buckets I got going . I've heard of the frozen water bottle or ice pack idea . Any ideas guys ? Much appreciated sincerely BaKed lol