
  1. MedGrower

    Lighting Telos 0008 testgrow with Auto Ultimate (DWC)

    Hello! :baked: I got to play with this light already a little and now it is time to give it a better shot. I chose to do the test with Dutch Passion's AutoUltimate for two reasons; one would be because I promised to provide this strain to my patient I grow for (it really works good for her...
  2. TaNg

    Lighting The GN Telos Wall of Fame/Manual.

    TEAM TELOS ASSEMBLE.... Show us what you're growing and tell us how they're going. Leight heights, temps, coverage area ,GPW....all info and pictures welcome. Let's see some skills with LEDs.
  3. sour.b

    Lighting Sour.b's continuous Autogrow under Telos-0008

    GrowNorthern sent the Telos-0008 last week, and she was fired up in my tent over the weekend. I will start by a big thanks to them for this opportunity to test the light here on AFN. A few other growers will be joining very soon in the GN subforum. The Telos-0008 (240W) will replace 2 xGN...