
  1. T

    Grow Mediums Looking for advise from fellow growers for my second run

    Hi guys. I'm looking for advise on how to go about my second run, because I followed a pretty concrete plan for the first. I am about to harvest my first run in a few days after I finish flushing. Growing in Coco Coir. I have the three feminized seeds left from CropKing that I ordered(blue...
  2. MrMann

    Lighting T8 58W 5400LM > T8 24W 2400LM LED Upgrade

    Hey guys, So I got x10 5ft T8 58w 5400LM lights and I'm thinking about upgrading to LED tubes but I'm unsure if it is a upgrade at all? The ones I am looking at are the replacement LED for my current tubes Current 5ft T8 58w 5400LM Upgrade 5ft T8 24w 2400LM LED (58W Equivalent) Worth it...
  3. Micron Creek

    Indoor Short Stuff #1

    In order to provide adequate updates, I will start this log. This is just a part of the Micron Genetics Experiment found in the Photoperiod Breeding Section. I will be providing weekly updates as another of these is also germinated. As rare as reg. Autos are they cannot be wasted. Coupled with...
  4. IceWater421

    Mephisto Genetics IceWaters First Mephisto Run

    Hey AFN I will be doing a journal on my very first run of Mephisto Genetics!!!! I will be growing 2# Grape Crinkles 2# Orange Crack & #1 Tyrone Special. I'm using Advanced Nutrients Ph perfect line with additives . Big Bud, Trantula , Bud Candy , B52, General organics CalMag. And Green Planets...
  5. Daipot

    New Grower T5 lighting

    Evening all. I've been giving thought into turning a disused cupboard into a propergation/seedling room so I can obviously prep future grows before they go in the big tent. I have been pricing it up and I've found a good deal on T5 lights. The question I have is; are these lights any good and...
  6. puggle6

    Sweet Seeds f6 does 'mystery' Sweet Seeds aquaponic grow #test

    Hey guys, This is a test grow for my aquaponics system, I started a thread in the live grow journal section but made a bit of a mess of it, thought I would move over here for more specific feedback (think I'm talking to myself sometimes.. Or is that the Dakar?) :baked: OK, so I have 6 comets...