sweet seeds promo

  1. The Vault

    Ace Seeds Giveaway And Promo – Win a 9-pack of Fems – 5 prizes

    Hi folks, You already know us: promo here, promo there... We're coming back this time with our friends of Ace Seeds. Let's get this straight: Another great giveaway and a really cool discount code. Let me explain the giveaway better: we are raffling 9-packs of Bangi Haze Fems by Ace Seeds...
  2. The Vault

    Sweet Seeds On Purchase Promo And Give-Away

    Hi folks, Another week, another promo. More giveaways, On Purchase promo, and discount codes. This time, we're bringing them with our 'amigos' from Sweet Seeds. We're giving away two 10-packs of Cream Caramel Fem and two 10-packs of Cream Caramel Auto. To enter, simply head over to this blog...